A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

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Book: A New Journey (Second Chance #3) by Christina Escue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Escue
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“Remember what I said last year.” He told her in a soft voice before he walked away from the table.
    “What was that about?” Travis asked as he walked up and sat beside Rylee.
    Karla just shook her head and looked at Conner. He nodded and explained it to everyone. “Last year at Elliot’s birthday cook-out Trevor cornered Karla in her bedroom. He told her that all he wanted was a chance to prove to her that he was better for her than I am. She told him then that he would never get that chance, but he told her he wouldn’t give up until she gave him a chance.”
    “What an idiot.” Malinda said in a quiet voice. “Anybody can tell he doesn’t stand a chance with Karla.”
    “I can’t believe my brother is that stupid.” Travis said in a disgusted voice. “Guys, I’m sorry about Trevor and his obvious obsession with Karla. If y’all don’t want to hang out with me anymore I will totally understand.”
    When Travis stood to leave Karla reached around Rylee and grabbed his arm. “You aren’t responsible for his actions and none of us blame you for what he does or doesn’t do.”
    “She’s right, Trav. What Trev does has nothing to do with you.” Madison told her brother. “Furthermore, if they stopped hanging out with you they would have to stop hanging out with Mallie and me too and I doubt Elliot would like that.”
    “We aren’t going to stop hanging out with any of you because of what Trevor did or didn’t do.” Karla told them all. “Travis, you aren’t responsible for his actions and I would never blame you for something he did. I’ve been on the receiving end of that kind of blame and I would never do that to anyone else. Please don’t leave.”
    Travis sat back down and smiled at Karla. “Personally I don’t see what Trev sees in you. I prefer redheads.” He said and playfully flicked the ends of Rylee’s hair. Rylee blushed and everyone at the table burst out laughing.
    The rest of the day passed quickly. After they got in the car Elliot turned to Karla. “I need to tell you something I overheard in the bathroom, but I need you to call Conner so he can hear it too.”
    “Okay, you’re scaring me a little.” Karla told him as she pulled her cell phone from her purse and called Conner.
    “Hey, Karla.” Conner answered immediately. “What’s wrong?”
    “I’m not quite sure what’s wrong. Elliot asked me to call you because he overheard something in the restroom and said we both needed to hear it. Have you left the school yet?”
    “Nope. I’ll meet you at the parking lot gate in just a minute. We can talk there. I love you.”
    “See you in a minute. I love you too.” She hung up and tossed her phone back in her purse before she started the car and backed out of her space at the end of the lot.
    When they reached the gate she pulled through and stopped her car beside Conner’s. As soon as she stopped the car Elliot unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out. “I overheard Trevor talking on his cell phone in the bathroom right after the final bell rang.” He told them as soon as Karla was out of the car.
    “What did you hear?” Karla asked. He was clearly upset by it and that made her nervous.
    “Trevor was in the stall and he was talking pretty loudly. I would have never listened if I hadn’t heard your names. His exact words were, ‘Sharlet, I need you to get Conner Newberry to help you in Biology. Then I need you to make people believe you are sleeping with him.’ He paused for a minute then he said, ‘No you don’t have to actually sleep with him, but you can if you want. I just want him out of the way so I can have Karla.’ There was another pause before he added, ‘I don’t care what you have to do. I promise I will pay you well for it.’ It sounded like the conversation was coming to an end so I left the bathroom before he knew I was there.”
    Karla and Conner looked at each other in stunned silence for a minute before Karla spoke. “Why do I attract

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