A Murder Moist Foul: A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery (Frosted Love Mysteries Book 1)

Read Online A Murder Moist Foul: A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery (Frosted Love Mysteries Book 1) by Carol Durand - Free Book Online

Book: A Murder Moist Foul: A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery (Frosted Love Mysteries Book 1) by Carol Durand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Durand
you have somewhere to stay
tonight?” the detective seemed genuinely concerned.
    Missy shrugged, “No.  Where would I
go in the middle of the night?  I have no idea what to do,” her lower lip
trembled as tears threatened. 
    Beckett took a deep breath. 
Seeming to come to a decision he offered, “I have a completely unused guest
room if you’d like to stay somewhere safe for the night.”
    Knowing that she was completely
safe under Chas Beckett’s roof for the night, Missy made sure that Toffee was
settled into her puffy grey velour doggy bed in the corner of the guest room
and, after an hour or so of tossing and turning, finally dropped into a deep

Chapter 14
    She awoke in the morning, rested,
but still very unsettled.  As diligently as the handsome detective had been in
trying to find new leads and exhaust every possible avenue for information,
nothing constructive had been found.  Not being one to sit around and let fate
take its course, Missy vowed to get to the bottom of this case, her life might
very well depend upon it, but before she could begin ferreting out elusive
clues that would help solve the case, she had to open the shop.  Ben had his
annual physical this morning, so Missy’s sleuthing would have to wait until he
came in at 11:00.
    Business was booming this morning,
and Missy hardly had a spare moment to even think until the rush ended around
10:30.  She had restocked the gleaming glass cases with delectable treats and
was wiping down the tables which had recently been cleared, when she heard the
tinkle of the chimes above the door.  Expecting to see Ben coming in early, she
turned and saw a harried-looking woman who appeared a bit younger than her,
stride briskly over to the counter.
    “Hi!  I’ll be with you in just a…”
Missy began, only to be interrupted by the impatient woman.
    “I’d like a Strawberry Cheesecake
cupcake, to go,” she ordered brusquely.  Missy was nonplussed.  Most of her
customers were completely willing to take their time placing an order, chat for
a bit, and maybe even sit down for a cup of coffee.
    “Certainly,” she agreed politely,
wiping her hands on a towel behind the counter and slipping on a pair of
plastic gloves.  “Can I get you a cup of coffee with that?” she offered.  “I
can make it…”
    “No coffee,” the woman interrupted
again, frowning.
    “…to go,” Missy finished,
frustrated, but pasting what she hoped was a sufficiently pleasant smile on her
    Missy reached into the case,
selecting the largest, most luscious looking Strawberry Cheesecake cupcake and
placed it in a bag for the rude woman.
    “That’ll be $3.50,” she said with
forced cheer, handing the woman the bag.
    “Keep the change,” the woman
decreed abruptly, slapping four bills on the counter and rushing out the door.
    “Thank you,” Missy called after
her.  “Have a nice day,” her voice dripped with sarcasm after the woman was
long gone.  She shook her head and went back to wiping down the tables and
thought about her plan for the afternoon, leaving as soon as Ben came in.
    Darryl Davis’ mother played bridge
with Missy’s parent’s years ago, so Missy felt that she could drop in on the
elderly woman without the fear of being rebuffed.  It was a long shot, but
Widow Davis might just know something useful.  She parked in front of Mrs.
Davis’ small but elegant cottage with its neatly manicured lawn and lovingly
tended flower beds that were so well kept they looked presentable even despite
the winter chill.
    Holding her breath and desperately
hoping that the woman was still of sound mind and would recognize her, Missy
rang the bell, hearing a lovely chime within the house when she did.  Listening
intently, she heard stirrings that sounded like Mrs. Davis might be shuffling
toward the door.  Sure enough, she opened it and smiled with delight at the
sight of a visitor.
    “Well…Missy Gladstone, as I live
and breathe!” she

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