A Little Seduction Omnibus

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Book: A Little Seduction Omnibus by Penny Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Jordan
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mysteriously. ‘It all depends on the size of the order, no? I shall bring some for you to see,’ she announced, closing the book. ‘If you will be here at this time tomorrow evening I shall show you what a good bargain we can make...’
    Half an hour later, as she hurried back to the hotel, Beth asked herself what she had to lose by returning to the stall tomorrow evening.
    After all, she hadn’t made any kind of commitment to buy anything. She was simply going to look, that was all.
    Caught up in her excitement, she suddenly realised that she had lost her way a little, and that she was now in a part of the city that was unfamiliar to her. There was an imposing building in front of her which she was sure must feature in her guidebook. All she had to do was to check the name of the square she was now in and redirect herself to her hotel.
    As she delved into her bag for her guidebook a large crowd of people suddenly started to emerge from the building she had been studying, all of them dressed in evening clothes. Idly watching them, Beth suddenly froze as she recognised Alex Andrews amongst them. If he had looked toughly masculine earlier in the day, dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, that was nothing to the way he looked now, wearing a dinner suit. Taller than most of the other men in the crowd, he would have stood out even without his strikingly handsome good looks, simply on account of the way he held himself, Beth recognised.
    As Beth watched him she suddenly realised that not only was he not alone but that the woman who was with him was the same soignée, elegant older woman she had seen him talking with in the hotel foyer the previous day.
    Alex was patently oblivious to her presence, and as Beth observed them from the shadows she saw him put a very protective arm around the older woman whilst she, in turn, moved closer to him, lifting her face towards his with such a luminous look of love in her expression that Beth felt her throat start to close up and she was swamped by a mixture of contempt and anger. So much for his comments to her . It was quite plain that his companion believed that she had a very special and intimate relationship with him. Beth only had to witness the way he lifted her hand to his face, gently touching his cheek, to see that.
    Her stomach churned with nauseating disgust. Not for the older woman, who plainly believed that Alex returned the feelings Beth could see so clearly revealed on her face, but for Alex, who quite obviously had no compunction whatsoever about what he was doing.
    So much for the family gathering he had told her he was attending. But why was she so shocked—and so upset? Surely what she had just witnessed only confirmed what she already knew—that, quite simply, he was not to be trusted. Instead of feeling this helpless, anguished sense of loss and betrayal, she ought to be feeling pleased that her suspicions were vindicated.
    She was pleased that they had been vindicated, Beth assured herself doggedly. She was more than pleased—she was delighted. Delighted.
    * * *
    ‘Have you seen the Charles Bridge yet?’
    Beth shook her head, not wanting to allow Alex to engage her in any unnecessary conversation. After what she had seen last night she had made herself a vow that she would make it plain to him that there was no way she was going to fall for his cynical manipulation of her feelings.
    In fact just as soon as she had had her breakfast she had approached the hotel manager to ask if there was any chance that another interpreter might now be free, but once again she had met with the same response. The conventions taking place in the city meant that it was impossible for them to provide her with this service.
    Tempted though Beth had been to tell Alex that she simply no longer required his help, common sense had forced her to acknowledge that this would be cutting off her nose to spite her face. Although it was true that most Czechs could either speak or

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