A Little Complicated

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Book: A Little Complicated by Kade Boehme Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kade Boehme
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if he comes home and there’s no one there with me.”
    I sighed. Fuck. “Why’d you do that?”
    Her gaze went to her lap. “I missed you, too, y’know. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
    Damn, she was good. “I’m sorry, Lila. I didn’t even know you remembered me.”
    She chewed her bottom lip. Again, she’s very good. “Of course. I remembered you way before you remembered me. I just didn’t know how to get you to remember us without throwing you in my dad’s face.”
    “Smooth,” I said drily.
    “Well, it worked, huh?” She delivered it so matter-of-factly I blushed.
    “I guess.” I sighed again. “Okay , I’ll come for movie night, but only until your dad says he’s on his way home. He’ll get over me leaving five minutes before he gets home.”
    She lifted her face back to me and brightened. “Deal.” I shook my head but followed her.
    We took the elevator this time. When I asked why she didn’t take it up she said she knew I’d feel worse if she worked her ass off to come upstairs. “Well played.” That got a cocky grin. This one was trouble.
    When we got to the apartment and she let me in, we hadn’t been there ten minutes setting up the movie before I heard a key in the door. I turned to watch Brady and his mother wander in.
    “Oh, no!” Lila said, dramatically, her best innocent expression playing over her not-so-innocent little face.
    “You’re the devil,” I hissed.
    “What?” More innocent flutters of the eyes. “I totally forgot I was going to grandma’s tonight!”
    I didn’t get a chance to respond to her or to Brady’s confused eyes darting between me and the kid before his mother was barreling over him. “Ryan Borja, as I live and breathe!” No sooner had she said the words than she had me crushed in a firm embrace. I’d only met the little pistol of a woman a few times but we’d taken a shine to one another immediately.
    “Mrs. Novak,” I wheezed. “How are you?”
    Brady chuckled and patted her back. “Mama, back off. You’re gonna crack a rib—his, not yours.”
    She held me back and let her eyes travel over me from head to toe, a bit like my mother does. “You, young man, have been missing from my life far too long. You couldn’t call an old woman?”
    “You’re many things but old you are not, ma’am,” I flirted. Brady snorted and his mother preened, swatting my arm playfully. Then she squeezed one and the flirty gaze she gave me was anything but motherly.
    “My, my Ryan. Didn’t you grow up nice.”
    “Mama!” Brady choked, Lila and I laughing.
    “What? Look at the ass on this kid.” She turned me around and pulled my shirt up enough to show off my ass. I felt my face heat and groaned as I hid my eyes behind my hand.
    “Mama , leave the guy alone,” Brady said as he pulled his mother away. When I turned back to them his eyes had a distinct heat in them.
    “I should go. Lila said she needed someone to watch her,” I shot a glare at the little hellion. “Obviously she was mistaken.”
    “No, no. You boys should catch up! I’m taking Lila here for the night. Brady here has been Ryan this and Ryan that for years now. ‘Bout time y’all got to spend some time together.” I tried to protest but she just spoke over me. “Come on, Lila, honey. Let’s get outta these boys’ hair. I’m sure they’ve got plenty to talk about.” I stuttered but nothing made it out of my mouth as Lila and her grandmother bustled out of the door.
    Before she shut the door behind her, the elder Delilah turned with a wink. “Do something I would do boys.” And they were gone.
    My jaw dropped and Ryan’s ears turned bright pink. Fuck that was cute. I’d forgotten that was his only tell when he was pleased or embarrassed. No doubt it was embarrassment at that moment.
    When he turned to me he couldn’t meet my eyes. Fuck that. “Okay . Well, I’m out.” I pushed past him to leave.
    “Ryan,” he said with so much feeling it caught me by surprise.

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