When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)

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Book: When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All) by Victoria Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Wells
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tell Nick that. It wasn’t any of his business.
    Lifting a dark brow Nick snipped out, “How in the hell do you explain her showing up at my front door reeking like a damn distillery? I almost got drunk just by standing within five feet of her.
    Kevin chuckled. When he stumbled upon her, she had been teetering on that fine line between being tipsy and smashed. The more she drank the frisker she became. By the time they reached her room, she was tearing at his shirt and then his pants. Again defending himself. “Man, Starr wasn’t drunk, just tipsy when I saw her down at the bar.”
    Losing his patience again, Nick snapped, “Tipsy, drunk, whatever! Dude, all I know is my wife is pissed at me and it’s your fault!”
    “My fault? How?” Kevin shouted, an incredulous scowl masking his handsome features.
    “Yes! All your damn fault!” It wasn’t even seven thirty in the morning yet and Nick had a headache. “Starr’s up there crying, talkin’ ‘bout there’s a man in her room. Summer’s yelling at me, to come down her to check things out because her friend did something stupid like bringing a man back to her room. I ought to punch you dead square in the face! I told you to stay away from her!”
    Although Nick was pissed off, relief rushed through him when Kevin opened the door at his persistent pounding. At least Starr hadn’t ended up with some skuzzy stranger she’d been rolling around with all night,
    Kevin’s jaw clenched. He didn’t care that Nick had just threaten to physically harm him. He could hold his own if they’d ended up scraping. What had him incensed was that Nick had no right to pass judgment on Starr. “Man, don’t call her stupid.”
    The flash of anger and snarling tone took Nick by surprise. He had never seen Kevin so protective over a woman. Maybe, just maybe his friend was interested. And not for just a one night stand.
    “Whoa, dude, didn’t mean to offend you.” Nick said as he held up his hands up in surrender.
    “Yeah…well, you did.” Kevin mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes.
    Staring at his buddy it became difficult to maintain a straight face. Oh snap! My man is sprung after one night! Daaayum!
    With that thought, Nick threw his head back as rumbling laughter began bubbling up from his gut. Releasing his clenched jaw, Kevin roared, “What’s so damn funny?”
    Still laughing, Nick teased, “You man! I mean, you spend one night with the girl and you’re sprung like a mug! Man oh man! That must’ve been some good lovin’. I’ve never seen a woman have your nose so wide open.”
    Nick was so preoccupied with ribbing his buddy he hadn’t paid attention to him stalking over to the dresser snatching a piece of paper from off the top of it. Nick’s laughter came to a halt as the paper was shoved in his face.
    Yanking the paper that was centimeters from his nose, glancing it over, his dark complexion ashen as he looked from the paper to Kevin. “What the hell have you gotten yourself into?”
    Sitting on the foot of the bed, Kevin hung his head and rubbed his hands over the smooth baldness. Finally, after a few seconds he looked up at Nick. Not knowing how to say it any other way, he just calming stated the truth. “Me and Starr got married.”
    “But how…why…I don’t understand.” Nick all but sputtered out confused.
    Shaking his head, Kevin admitted, “I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure it out. We both were pretty lit by the time we stumbled into that little wedding chapel.”
    “You actually don’t remember getting married?” Nick inquired, still perplexed by the whole situation.
    “Man, I remember us coming back here. We started going at it hot and heavy. Next thing I know she was out cold. So I went to sleep.” Taking a deep breath he continued, “When I woke this morning I thought I had dreamed everything until I found Starr curled up next to me sleeping. I didn’t just want to get up and roll out on her. So I took a shower to

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