A Highland Folly

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Book: A Highland Folly by Jo Ann Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Ann Ferguson
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though she suspected they often baffled each other with their unique ways.
    As Lucais baffled her. Or was she more puzzled with her own actions? Three days had passed since he had lured her into his arms in his tent, but the heat of his lips on her skin still burned on her fingers.
    She was being fanciful. That was most unlike her. How many times had Mother remarked that Anice had inherited her grandmother’s propensity toward common sense? So many times, because Mother often had chosen to live in a way that no one would deem sensible.
    Lowering her gaze to the valley, Anice could pick out with ease where the men were working on the road that had come north from Edinburgh and would cut through the heart of the glen. Dust rose from the site where they had torn away part of the hillside with a huge explosion that morning. The very walls of Ardkinloch had shuddered. She had come out here, half expecting to see the remains of Dhùin Liath tumbling down into the river, but the old castle had weathered the concussion far better than the newer manor house.
    Within Ardkinloch, everything was a bumble-bath. It had taken most of the morning to clean up the shards of broken glass and pottery that had crashed to the floor and shattered, but that had been the simple part. Two of Anice’s great-aunts had taken to their beds, certain the end of the world had arrived. A cousin who was only a few years older than Neilli and already expecting her fourth child refused to come out of her room, fearing that the sound would deafen her unborn babe. All her great-uncles, uncles, and male cousins—probably a score in all—had decided the noise could be dealt with only by swallowing generous portions of whisky.
    And all of them had wanted to complain or demand an explanation or expect an apology from Anice. She had come up here not only to check the old castle but to escape her family’s voices yet again.
    Lucais had sent word last night that the blasting would begin that morning. Neither she nor anyone else in Ardkinloch had guessed the power of the gunpowder sending the stone and dirt up into a hideous gray cloud.
    Pippy gave a low rumble in his throat. Quickly Anice glanced around, then relaxed when she saw her cousin walking toward her. Neilli was rocking her bonnet in her hand. Only when Neilli paused by her did Anice see that the bonnet was filled with wildflowers.
    â€œWhat a hash they are making of our glen!” grumbled Neilli as she sat beside Anice on the low outcropping of stone.
    â€œIt will never be the same, I fear.”
    â€œYou should make him leave.”
    Anice chuckled tightly. “Do you think that I can order a representative of the government to go away? Beyond this valley, I fear the Kinloch name does not have much influence.”
    â€œThere are other kinds of influence.”
    â€œWhat are you suggesting?”
    Neilli shuddered. “Not that , Anice. I pity you for every moment you have to spend in his wretched company. It must be so horrible for you.”
    â€œHorrible is not the word I would use to describe it.”
    A laugh came from behind her. When she looked over her shoulder, she stared up at Lucais, who was standing directly behind her. Why hadn’t Pippy warned her that he was approaching? The dog had growled when Neilli came along the path but had remained silent when Lucais was sneaking up on them. Pippy’s tail wagged wildly as Lucais stepped down to the path.
    â€œI am glad you would not use the word horrible,” Lucais said with another laugh. “A man does not like to hear that word associated with him.”
    â€œThen,” Neilli said, coming to her feet, “he should make a greater effort to be less intolerable.”
    â€œNeilli!” scolded Anice.
    â€œDo not chide me for speaking my mind,” her cousin returned. “I say nothing more than most folks wished they could. It would be for the best if these intolerable men went back to

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