A Hero Grinch for Christmas

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Book: A Hero Grinch for Christmas by Samanthya Wyatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samanthya Wyatt
stepped on one and slipped. His reflexes kicking in, he grabbed her without thought. Without considering how much he wanted her body pressed against his.
    Her lips parted on a gasp.
    His blood whipped with lust.
    What he’d wanted was right here in his arms, her hands clutching his shoulders, her lips a breath from his. He hovered, waiting for God knew what. A sign?
    Could he trust what he thought he saw in her eyes? Yearning?
    This was not a good idea. One touch of her mouth and there would be no turning back. Indecision wared within.
    “Uh. The ice . . .” she said, her voice shaky.
    He blinked.
    Aw freakin’ hell.
    He slowly released his hold, and she edged backward.
    He needed to put some distance between them. He shoved a hand through his hair.
    “I’ll check the generator while you fix dinner.”

Chapter Twelve
    “Mistletoe!” Dani held a sprig of green over her head, catching Hunter in the doorway of the ‘man cave’.
    His eyes shot to hers, another dark scowl on his oh-so-handsome face. He closed the door behind him, stepping into her personal space. “If we’re going to survive being in this house together—”
    “Oh loosen up,” she said dropping her arm down to her side. She’d thought they’d made progress. But since she slipped on that piece of ice on the kitchen floor, his dark moods were back. Why the hell didn’t he kiss her? She had no answer. And no matter what she did, he wouldn’t smile.
    She usually controlled her temper, but she was tired of his mulishness. “You’ve got a log so far up your ass, even lumberjacks—. You need to get laid.” Oh shit. Did she really say that out loud?
    In one swift move, he yanked her flush with his chest. His hard, unyielding, chest.
    “Don’t tease me, Sweetheart.”
    His deep growl sent shivers down her spine while his iron grip seized her breath. A lock of blond hair fell over his heavy lidded eyes, eyes that flamed with want. She burned where he pressed against her, bringing forth a silent moan. She tried to swallow, but could barely breathe. He wanted her. It was there in his eyes, in the heat of his touch. This time she took the initiative. She curved her hands around his muscled arms encouraging him, welcoming him. Still he hesitated. She could see the debate going on in his mind. He couldn’t deny the torrent of desire between them.
    She licked her lips.
    In an instant, he crushed her to the wall, melding them breast to chest, hip to hip. Her mind whirled with the scent and strength of him. He pinned her hands above her head, his muscles caging her in. Her heart beat in mad tempo, anticipating what would happen next.
    She could feel his ragged breath as his mouth loomed close to hers. His steady gaze singed, mesmerized, held her immobile in his trance. She willed him to kiss her. Close the last fraction and meld his mouth to hers.
    The knuckles of one hand trailed from her wrist, downward, along the underside of her arm. She could feel the heat of his touch as it burned through the cloth of the sweatshirt. Her breathing quickened and she shivered as hot tingles danced along her skin. She couldn’t tear her gaze away. His head drifted closer, and closer.
    She lifted her face, needing his lips, his mouth, needing to be possessed. He slid his hand to the back of her neck, and with his thumb on her jaw, pulled her the last millimeter separating them. He crushed her lips with raw hunger—a hunger that had been simmering for days.
    His tongue thrust between her lips, plunging deep, in a thorough sensuous sweep. His movement so erotic, she gasped for air. Her body throbbed with yearning. Their gazes locked for an eternity, he stared as if he were ready to pounce. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip thinking he tasted of minty wine, and he swooped down again, his kiss wild and aggressive. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, clinging to him, drowning in a kiss that went on and on.
    He ravaged her mouth, teasing her into a fever pitch of

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