A Graceful Mess

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Book: A Graceful Mess by Nacole Stayton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nacole Stayton
Tags: Contemporary
at him is full of hurt and rejection.
    “No, Grace. I want you, trust me. I want you, like, like fucking bad. You don’t even know, do you?” I swallow, hard, before shaking my head back and forth.
    “Feel this.” He grabs my hand and drags it in between our bodies and places it over the mound in his jeans.
    “This is how bad I fucking want you. I want to be buried deep in you and feel your tight, little pussy. I know it’s tight and ready for me. I can practically smell it and taste it. And I know you want me too. All I have to do is lay you back and pull down those little panties then make you mine. I can see the look in your eyes. You’re curious and want this too. Don’t you?”
    I’m speechless. I have never been so turned on before. Well, not by someone else’s doing. I have goosebumps all over my body, but my lips will not form the word yes. I am frozen in place, my mouth slightly hung open, in awe at his sexy statement. Parker notices my hesitation.
    “Grace.” He sounds more stern and less like his low sexy and raspy self. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I want you, that much is clear, but this is all on you. If you tell me no, I will get up and walk out. Scout’s Honor.” His promise makes me laugh.
    “Yes, Parker, I want you.”
    His mouth collides with mine as he moves one hand to my lower back and the other under my butt, then lifts me into the air and turns to lie me down on the bed. My butt is so close to the edge, I feel like I might fall off, and I suddenly know what is about to happen. I feel a little nervous at first. No one has ever done this to me, but I can’t fight the urge. I feel like I am about to explode and I want to by Parker’s mouth, not my own hand later on after he has left and is only a memory of what could have happened. My imagination won’t do justice to experiencing the real thing.
    “Say the words, sweetheart, and I’ll stop. If not, prepare to have your fucking world rocked.”
    Suddenly my panties are being torn off leaving my core exposed. The draft of his sudden movement feels cool against my exposed skin. Then I feel something wet. His head is hovering between my legs and I can only see the top of it. His breath so close to me is hot, and then I feel his tongue. It keeps a steady movement, almost as if it is creating its own special melody and is conducting an orchestra. The sweet, sweet music his tongue is playing makes me want to clap my hands like a pleased crowd would. I can feel it slide up and down repeatedly before his mouth covers me. It feels like he is making out with my vagina, but I have to admit I like him kissing me down there much better than on my mouth.
    “God, you taste even more incredible than I imagined.”
    “Uhh, thanks…Ahh…” I moan out in pure ecstasy, unable to hide my pleasure. My legs feel weak as I struggle to keep them up.
    “It feels good, doesn’t it? Do you know what feels even better?”
    I know it’s a rhetorical question, but I moan out “Yes” in response to his hot breath on my soft spot. Then he tightly grips one of my thighs and brings it towards his mouth. Sitting up on my elbows peering down over my stomach, that has my dress scrunched up over it, I see him kiss the inside of my thigh. My eyes are locked on his lips. They move slowly at first, gliding over my skin, but once they connect with my core for the second time they form a suction cup as he tastes all of me. The smacking of his mouth fills the air. My head falls backwards as my back arches.
    “I bet that does feel good, but has anyone ever touched you here with their hand?” he asks as he slowly moves his index finger and middle finger around in a circular motion where he was kissing only moments before. I can’t answer, because once again I can’t talk.


    She doesn’t answer. Hell, she looks like she’s in shock, but she hasn’t told me to stop. I honestly don’t think I could even if she said the words. Her

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