A Gentleman in the Street
minute ticked by, and then another, and another. Later, she wouldn’t be able to remember how long they sat there, wrapped in each other and cloaked in silence.
    Her eyelashes fluttered open when he shifted, and she stiffened. Jesus. He probably had places to be and things to do. So did she. Yet she was just sitting here like an idiot, wrapped up in his big, solid arms.
    “I apologize for this scene,” she whispered.
    “A scene is swimming naked in an Italian fountain.”
    “I’ve done that.”
    “I know.”
    She would have called that a dig, but he was speaking softly, his hand still making subtle patterns over her back.
    A joke. Was he joking with her? Cranky, scowling Jacob was joking with her?
    She was so startled she leaned back, unable to get far due to his hold on her. He looked down at her, his ever-present disapproval gone, replaced by something strange and soft. “Akira.”
    He’d never said her name like that.
    She licked her lips. “What?”
    He frowned, but it was more perplexed than angry. “I have to…” His hand came up and touched her cheek. The fresh calluses on his palm rasped her skin as he clumsily brushed away the damnable wetness. “There,” he said. He spoke so low, she had to duck her head closer to hear him. “Better.”
    His task was finished, but he didn’t leave her. His thumb remained, moving an infinitesimal amount. Stroking her flesh.
    Her world narrowed to focus on every point of contact they shared, his intent gaze burning a hole into her. The fine hairs on the back of her neck rose when his index finger grazed her jaw.
    Her head turned toward the subtle pressure. Not much. Enough so his thumb could bump the corner of her lips. Dark lust flashed through his gaze, his lids falling to half-mast.
    He was the one who twitched, his finger gliding over her lower lip, coming to a rest against the center. Acting on instinct, her tongue flicked out, making contact with his skin. It was a tease, not nearly enough to gain any kind of grasp of his taste. She could retain plausible deniability when he jerked away and dumped her off his lap.
    He didn’t chastise her or shove her off for daring to corrupt his offering of platonic comfort. Instead, his thumb remained against the cushion of her lower lip .
    And then exerted the smallest amount of pressure.
    His fingers were on her mouth, not her clit, but her thighs clenched, arousal making her wet and squirmy. Her mouth opened, puffs of breaths warming his finger.
    He gave a wordless exclamation when she sucked him in. She couldn’t break their gaze. There was too much going on in those expressive eyes: shock, nervousness, heat. Yet…not an ounce of disgust.
    She grasped his wrist and sucked his finger like she would suck his cock, hungry for at least this piece of him. Her head bobbed, pulling him in all the way, again and again, until he was shifting beneath her, his face tight and distressed. A hardness had grown against her ass, but her position was too awkward for her to fully experience it.
    Disappointment assailed her when he jerked his finger out of her, her suction so tight, there was a pop of noise. She supposed she would never get to explore his cock now. Or really, any of him, because if this didn’t chase him away forever, she’d be stunned. Akira struggled to regain her usual attitude, make it clear she was entirely unaffected. “Don’t you know? You have to kiss it to make it better—”
    His lips slammed down on hers and cut off her words.
    For a split second, she could only sit, stunned, as his mouth moved on hers. What. The. Fuck.
    Had she ever been kissed like this? Had he ever kissed like this? Because he kissed like he hadn’t tasted a woman in forty years, like she was the last woman on earth. He kissed like there would be no beginning or end without her.
    He kissed her like he…wanted her.
    Fucking. Hot.
    All of the stress of the day, of the morning, of the last six months converged until nothing existed

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