A Facet for the Gem
probably hadn’t any understanding of how to use it. He would just have to wait for him to foolishly emerge, or, discover how to gain entrance himself. Either way, he intended to kill the boy and take back what was his.
    And that was all he was, Felkoth assured himself. Just a boy, nothing more.

Chapter Four
    In The Forbidden Isle
    M orlen groped around as though immersed in water, his toes stretching to touch ground and finding none. He could hear by his pursuers’ muffled shouts that they were unable to follow him through the boundary, and, remaining suspended in the mist, he was filled with peace. They may as well have been miles away.
    Clasping his bow, he leaned forward to swipe at the thick vapors and fell face-first into a grassy floor on the other side, which was fragrant and soft. Then, flat on his stomach, he looked ahead at a sight that even hours without blinking would fail to fully capture. Colors he had never imagined were painted all across a broad forest, each tree a spectrum of dripping light, with swollen fruits that looked to have gone unclaimed for some time, until now.
    Jumping to stand, he plunged into the shimmering grove and embarked on the daunting task of choosing among the apples that dangled above and on every side. Some were the blue of watery depths, and others the purple and pink of sunset, with a slew of mixtures in between, caressed by shades of indigo, emerald, turquoise, amber, and gold.
    With the bow slung over his shoulder again, he reached up, wrapped his fingers around one fruit’s smooth, almost glassy mauve surface, and plucked it from its branch, surprised at how dense it felt in his hand. Then he opened hungry jaws and crushed into the apple’s side, blinking through a luminous splash as he took off a chunk so large it kept his lips apart, and chewed until his mouth became flooded with nectar that drove out pain and fear.
    He enthusiastically bit again, letting his teeth bring out a cool wave that soothed even more, and potent juice dripped down his chin while he tried another apple, knowing he would grow old and gray before sampling them all. And as he devoured the Isle’s fruit, his senses seemed to expand, detecting many life forms that sent warm vibrations through the soil.
    Making his way south, he delved deeper into the woods, arms spilling over with apples he couldn’t bear to leave unbitten. Beds of lavender decorated the forest floor like hundreds of purple carpets around the plentiful orchards, lifting fresh perfumes and stretching far in each direction. Sunlight filtered through a leafy canopy above, reflected by every branch’s heavily strung orbs, and the air remained cool and fresh, unpolluted by the fires and stench that covered the adjacent lands.
    The apples sustained him through hours of walking, and the resultant waves of heightened awareness brought with them the suspicion that he was being watched. Soon, he glimpsed bright movement in his periphery, like flames springing up on either side, and came to a halt. When he slowly turned to look between the trees, countless pairs of silver eyes under thick, flowing manes stared back, observing him carefully. Drawing a quick breath, he saw, concealed in the brush, that the Isle’s fabled lions had gathered all around.
    He felt no danger or threat from them, instead drawing comfort from their presence. One calmly pushed out of the bushes, shaking leaves from its fur in a graceful march toward him. The lion’s stout head was as high as his chest, but he stood unafraid when it came closer to sniff him curiously. Seeming to decide he was no intruder, the creature withdrew its inspecting prod and affectionately nuzzled his arm. To Morlen’s astonishment, the others emerged and followed suit, taking a closer glance at him while pressing moist noses against his hands.
    Then, they bowed their heads around him, permitting his passage, and he stood in awe of their unwarranted show of respect. Often he’d felt a strong

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