A Dragon Revealed
go with her,” Mursi growled.
    “Oh, here we go.” Kalv rolled his eyes.
    “As your king I decide who does what, and Bior is best to go,” Orin said in a voice that brooked no argument. “Mursi, you are too volatile at this present time.”
    Bior smiled. “You’re stuck with me, babe.”
    Michelle laughed. “I could do worse. You’ll be a hit in the group. We can leave tomorrow. The main group is in Florida with me, but we have people in as many places as we could find. Training others for the war that will come.”
    It ripped into him being the one called volatile, but Mursi accepted his leaders answer with a curt nod.
    “I shall take my leave then, my services aren’t needed at this moment.” Mursi rose and strode out of the room.
    He didn’t stop walking until he was outside with the sun of Paladin beating down on him. He was walking through the streets, smelling the meats being grilled over hot coals, the sweet fruit, and baking. Birds sang and blue hummingbirds took flight easily from the flowers. Despite all this beauty, internal turmoil boiled inside him.
    “Mursi, Mursi!”
    Children in the village called his name as they ran up to him with eyes alight and smiles on their faces. How had he seen past this for so long? He used to sit on the steps of Paladin and make them kites or fix a toy. He used to do simple magic tricks or tell corny jokes, and when they laughed it filled his heart. When he lost Larissa it was like everything inside him that brought him joy died.
    “Show us your magic, Mursi please,” one little girl said shyly.
    Mursi nodded, unable to speak for a moment, and sat crossed-legged on the warm stone street as they crowded around him. He had a little magic beyond his dragon, a gift from the gods to his bloodline because they were known for their love of children and being jokesters. Odin was the brunt of his ancestor’s tricks when the universe was young. The story was that they had both laughed at the joke, but the next day his ancestor woke up with a little something extra in his blood.
    He smiled as he remembered the story, and he lifted his hands and closed his eyes to bring the magic to his fingertips. He created starlight and rainbows, drawing patterns of color in the air amidst their happy laughter and sounds of awe. Thirty minutes later he was able to pry himself away from the kids and continue to his destination. Finally, he sat under the tree where he’d found Michelle before, his heart a bit lighter from doing something he enjoyed.
    “You’ve forgotten that part of yourself for so long I thought you’d never do it again.”
    Larissa’s voice was clear as day and when he looked at her she was staring out over the land in front of them with a smile on her face.
    “I forgot how good it felt,” he admitted. “Here to chastise me? You’re late, I’ve already had my flogging for the day.”
    “Mursi, I have no intention of flogging you in the least,” she answered. “You are a very stubborn man, I’ve known this from the beginning. Whatever choices you make have to be made by you and no one can push you into it, not even me.”
    “But you wish I’d accept my destiny,” Mursi added.
    “I’m gone, Mursi, no longer flesh and blood.” Larissa sighed. “Holding on to me will not bring you happiness. I’ve accepted my fate long ago.”
    He looked at her. “Kalv says I’m doing you a disservice. I fear he may be right.”
    “I wouldn’t call it a disservice,” Larissa murmured. “We went from playing as children to mated and into a marriage bed by the time we were young. I have known no other but you and this has been the same. You’ve been a loyal husband and I was honored to be your wife. But now your love can go to another with my blessing and utmost joy.”
    “How can you say that?” Mursi demanded.
    “Because I love you enough to let you go and see you happy.” Her smile was wide and her face alight with such peace that Mursi wanted to glance away.

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