A Demon's Wrath Novella: One Night with the Demon King
he pleases. He has been to many kingdoms.
But no matter, here I am muttering about things you must find very
boring. I will leave you to your bathing now,” she said, thanked
Cecelia once again for saving her son, and then left.
    Not long afterward, two maids brought in a
hot tub, which they placed near the brightly lit hearth. Cecelia
was able to bathe in peace once they had left. She stayed in the
tub for half an hour, enjoying the lovely scent of herbs and rose
petals and the warm water. She closed her eyes and relaxed her
tense, tired body. When the water had gotten cold, she climbed out
and got dressed in the breeches, shirt, and coat provided by Vera.
Once her dark hair was slightly dried by the fire, she tied it at
the nape of her neck with her black ribbon.
    She was walking out into the corridor when
Lucifer rushed from the corner and wrapped his arms around her
waist. “Brian!” he squealed.
    “Come, come,” the boy said, pulling her by
the hand. “Dinner is starting. This way. I get the honor of showing
you to the dining chamber.”
    “Oh!” she said, allowing the young demon to
drag her across the great hallway.
    Without Lucifer’s aid, she was sure she
would get lost indeed, for the castle was a maze of a place. There
were so many doors that she couldn’t keep count. The castle was
beautifully furnished and artfully designed. Numerous gigantic
paintings of demons in generations past were hung on the walls.
Many were males and a few were females. Their hair colors were all
different, but their features, to Cecelia’s interest, were all very
    Lucifer turned to the right, and before she
knew it, she was walking along a very high-ceilinged corridor with
huge red drapes hanging against enormous glass windows. She looked
about her in fascination, for there were more interesting
paintings. One caught her eyes. She couldn’t help but stare at it
as she walked.
    The eyes in the painting gazed down at her
as if perceiving deep into her soul. The dark-gray color seemed, to
her very imaginative mind, to be burning with smoke. The
shoulder-length, dark-chestnut hair, strong, prominent jaws, and
high cheekbones quickened her beating heart. Surely, she had never
seen a more darkly handsome man in her life. But then, she reasoned
with herself, this was no man; this was a demon. But demons were
supposed to be ugly, not so pleasing to look at that it set her
heart to jumping hazardously. And it wasn’t even the real demon she
was looking at. It was merely a painting.
    “We’re almost there,” Lucifer said.
    “’Tis rather a long way,” she said, tearing
her gaze from the painting and concentrating on trying not to get
lost the next time she was to come to the dining room. But then,
she thought, there would be no next time, for she planned to get
the pearl as soon as possible and leave. She knew her mother was
getting weaker by the day, and it was wise not to waste more
    They were turning another corner when she
heard the humming of laughter and buzzing of conversation.
    “We’re here,” Lucifer announced, leading her
toward the huge open double door.
    She hesitated. She wasn’t used to barging
into a room full of people she didn’t know.
    “Come on.” Lucifer pulled her hand.
    She stood rooted to her spot. “I…” She
wanted to turn back.
    “There you are,” Vera called, appearing at
the door. She glided toward them. “Come along, Brian. Do not be
bashful.” She laughed, and Cecelia blushed.
    Vera took her hand and led her into the
dining room. Cecelia stared fixedly at the polished floor the whole
time she was being dragged in. They stopped behind a huge mahogany
dining table.
    “Brian, ’tis a pleasure to have you here. We
wanted to thank you for helping our son,” Vera started. “Brian, may
I introduce you to our king?”
    Cecelia didn’t turn her face to look at the
demon king. She fixed her gaze on the beautifully designed cutlery
and plates on the table. She

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