A Demon's Wrath Novella: One Night with the Demon King
Drake said. “Here, let me
take him.”
    They moved their stallions closer and Drake
lifted Cecelia and laid her on his lap. She snuggled against his
large chest, sleeping in contentment. Drake wrapped one arm around
her and then kicked his stallion to gallop faster.
* * * * *

Chapter VI

    CECELIA WOKE UP TO THE sound of laughter. She
turned her head toward the window as a gentle breeze caressed her
face. She sat up and looked about her surroundings. The sun was
starting to set. How long had she been sleeping? She was about to
get up when she saw a woman standing at the opened doorway. Her
blond hair floated all the way down to her waist. Her blue eyes and
fair skin made Cecelia catch her breath. Never before had she seen
such beauty.
    Both Lady Rosanna and Lady Juliet could
never compare to this one, she thought.
    “I apologize if I bother you,” the woman
    “Nay, you did not bother me at all,” Cecelia
said, blushing, for she knew she was staring. She couldn’t help
herself, of course. “’Tis me who should apologize. I’m ogling at
you,” she admitted.
    “I am used to it,” Vera said and laughed.
She came to Cecelia and touched her arm. “I thank you for saving my
    Cecelia widened her eyes. “You’re Lucifer’s
    The woman smiled. “Aye, I was told by the
king that I should not be here disturbing your rest, but I cannot
wait. You see, Lucifer is very dear to me.” Her eyes softened.
    “I understand,” Cecelia said, thinking about
her mother and Brian. Her heart suddenly constricted. It had been
three full weeks now.
    “Oh Lord,” Vera said, “do forgive me, but I
am a bad hostess indeed.”
    For a moment, Cecelia forgot she was
supposed to be her brother. She quickly nodded at the woman who was
now curtsying to her as to a king.
    “Welcome, Brian, to the Demon Kingdom.”
    Cecelia’s heart kicked in her chest. She
blinked and stared wide-eyed at the woman. “Demon what?”
    Vera looked up to her then and repeated,
“Demon Kingdom.”
    “You are?” Cecelia stared at the woman.
    “Lady Vera McNamara, wife of Lord Adam
McNamara who is a cousin of the king,” she provided.
    “But… but,” Cecelia stammered, shaking her
head in disbelief.
    Vera raised her brows. “But what?”
    “But you are not… demon-like, hideous,”
Cecelia finished, blushing, for she knew she sounded stupid even in
her own confused mind.
    Vera laughed. She couldn’t help herself, for
she too had once thought of demons as hideous, monstrous creatures
who merely lived to kill. That, however, changed when she had met
    “My dear boy, what did you expect? Demons
looking like monster?”
    “Well, yes, I saw demons. They have
beastlike bodies and faces like wolves.”
    “Do stop there, Brian. But if those are the
demons you have just described, they are child’s play,” Vera said,
though she didn’t at all sound very concerned or put off because
Cecelia had just looked down on her husband’s kind.
    “I didn’t expect demons to look like
humans,” Cecelia said.
    “Oh, do not be surprised, my dear boy.
Demons are much the same as human.” She smiled. “Now enough talk.
’Tis getting late. Dinner is on soon. Would you like me to help you
clean up?”
    Cecelia clamped her lips and her cheeks
turned crimson. “Nay, but thank you,” she said quickly.
    “Very well, then. Those are your clothing
for now. I do hope they will fit your small frame. Do you always
keep your hair so long?”
    Cecelia touched her messy hair that was
still tied at the nape of her neck with a black ribbon. “Aye, ’tis
our fashion at the moment where I come from,” she lied.
    “Our men like to keep their hair short. It
is a fashion led by Gerick. You could say he is the handsomest
demon in our kingdom. The females fall for him no matter their age.
Drake, our king, he is different. He likes his hair long. It
reminds him of freedom, like when he was a prince. He likes sailing
his own ship and does as

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