A Daughter's Choice

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Book: A Daughter's Choice by June Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: June Francis
not know but with slow deliberation leaned forward, aware of Eileen’s eyes on her, and closed her eyes. His tongue flicked over her upper lip which tingled while a delicious shiver raced through her. It was the closest she had ever got to a kiss from a boy.
    The record on the juke box changed and Pat Boone began to croon about April love being for the very young. They gazed deep into each other’s eyes and it was so romantic.
    â€˜Like another coffee?’ asked Eileen loudly.
    â€˜Yes, please,’ said Katie and the boy in vague voices as Pat Boone’s voice soared.
    Eileen scowled. She was used to taking a back seat. It was where her parents had always kept her because they were embarrassed by her fits. Sometimes they forgot she was there altogether and that way she heard all kinds of things she shouldn’t. She knew all about Katie but didn’t consider this the best time to let the cat out of the bag. Katie was being kind to her in her way and so was Aunty Kitty. If things should change then she might have to rethink. It sure would be a lovely thing to take over the Arcadia if anything should happen to Katie and Aunt Kitty … After all, having epilepsy had never stopped Julius Caesar from conquering a large chunk of the ancient world!
    â€˜Where are you three off to?’ asked Ben, his expression disapproving as he took in Katie’s hand nestling in the crook of a different young man’s arm. This one she had met in the market on a meat stall and apparently he shared her interest in music. She was looking lovely in a primrose sailcloth shirtwaister bought with Ben’s birthday money and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. There was a flush of excitement in her cheeks and she looked so young and carefree that his heart ached for her. Sooner or later life would wipe that smile off her face, he realised gloomily, thinking of Celia and Sarah and Mick.
    â€˜We’re going jiving at the Rialto,’ said Katie, gazing up at the youth who was tall, fair and unusually dressed in cowboy clothes which his sailor brother had brought him from America, and which he wore when playing Country and Western.
    Ben raised his eyebrows. ‘That’s what you think! They wouldn’t allow him in there in that get-up. It’s proper suits and strictly tempo. Why don’t you try the YMCA?’
    A tinkle of laughter escaped Katie. ‘You’re joking! I want to go further than across the road.’ She did not feel at all pleased with Ben for making her feel an ignoramus about not knowing the Rialto was strictly ballroom.
    â€˜Try the Grafton or Locarno then. They’re less classy. Should be just up your street if it’s bopping you want.’
    â€˜They must be squares at that Rialto,’ said the youth, tipping back his stetson and staring at Ben. ‘They’ll be closing down if they don’t get with it.’
    â€˜There’s still plenty of us squares around, mate, who like to do things in style,’ snapped Ben. ‘You just make sure you bring our Katie home at a respectable hour or there’ll be trouble. She’s only seventeen, you know.’
    â€˜I’m all of seventeen which isn’t young,’ said Katie sweetly, because she thought she knew why Ben was like a bear with a sore head. Sarah and Mick … She’d like to knock their heads together. ‘Next birthday I’ll be eighteen and I’ll tell Ma I’m old enough to take over this place. ’Bye, Ben! Come on Eileen, Dougie.’ And she swept out.
    In no time at all they were entering the portals of the Grafton which was situated next to the Locarno ballroom. Eileen asked why two dance halls should be so close together. Katie thought, and remembered Kitty telling her that one had started life as the Olympia cinema, and said so. This was the first time she had been in a dance hall and she could not wait to get on the floor.
    Overhead a shimmering ball

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