He's the One

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Book: He's the One by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
finished. ‘Absolutely stunning.’
    ‘It’s down to you,’ Liberty answered, as she looked at the unfamiliar woman in the mirror, with her smoky eyes and flawless skin. Her hair had been given the star treatment as well, and blow dried straight so that it fell down her back in a silky mane.
    ‘I think you’re going to go far,’ Flo said. ‘Remember me when you’re a famous super-model!’
    Liberty laughed; this was all so unexpected. ‘Actually I want to be an actress.’
    ‘ Darling , with your looks you could do anything you wanted, absolutely anything!’
    This definitely beat getting people their orders of garlic bread and spag bol.
    Liberty loved performing for the camera, taking on the persona of a sultry, beautiful, enigmatic woman. Greg the celebrity photographer was full of compliments as he got her to pose this way and that, shouting out orders and encouragement. Apparently he had photographed all the top models, and Liberty couldn’t believe he meant half of what he said to her.
    ‘Lovely … bit more of a smile … shake back your head. Gorgeous! Beautiful! Yeah, baby, that’s the one. Wow! Now give me your sexy face. The you-know-you-want-to-sleep-with-me look. But you can’t because I’m a princess and out of reach.’
    She had to giggle at that comment, but then she did her best to compose herself and smoulder for the camera.
    Liberty was still on a high some four hours later when she arrived back in Brighton. After checking with her mum that it was okay if she had Brooke, she jumped in a taxi and went to Cory’s. She couldn’t wait to see him and tell him about her day.
    ‘Hi!’ she exclaimed, throwing her arms round him the second he opened the door. Then, seductively, ‘Do you want to see me do my sexy face? It’s very good apparently, and will soon be on a billboard near you!’
    She’d expected him to banter back, but instead he seemed serious. ‘Actually my mom and dad are here. They arrived this afternoon.’
    That was unexpected! ‘Did you know they were coming?’
    He shook his head. ‘Nope. They must have jumped on a plane as soon as I told them about quitting law school. What devoted parents they are,’ he said bitterly, and took her hand. ‘Come on in, you’d better meet the Wicked Witch of the North and Toto.’
    ‘Toto’s cute.’ Liberty was trying to think positively.
    ‘Yeah, and he doesn’t ever say or do anything, if you remember, because he’s a dog. Cute but useless.’
    Surely his parents couldn’t be so bad if they’d had a son like Cory? But as she walked into the living room with him, Liberty instantly got a bad vibe from Cory’s mum Melissa. She was stunningly beautiful, and had Cory’s bluer-than-blue eyes. But whereas his were full of warmth and passion, Melissa’s were cold and watchful. She smiled at Liberty and told her it was ‘ so good to meet you’, but not for a second did Liberty think that she meant it. She was painfully aware of Melissa constantly weighing her up. Cory’s dad Jacob seemed a lot nicer, but Liberty guessed that it was Melissa who had the upper hand in that relationship.
    ‘I’m sorry we arrived unannounced,’ his mother said as Cory poured everyone a glass of wine. Liberty noticed that he poured himself an extra large one. ‘But we were missing our son so very much. And I hope you didn’t have plans for tonight, Liberty, because we thought we could take you and Cory out to dinner. I’d love to get to know the girl who’s had such an effect on my son.’
    ‘You don’t have jet lag?’ Liberty enquired politely, thinking she really didn’t want to spend an evening with this woman. She wanted to celebrate her good news alone with Cory.
    ‘First class always makes air travel so much moretolerable,’ she replied, as if that was a no-brainer. She turned to Cory then. ‘So where’s good to eat in Brighton? I’m guessing it doesn’t exactly have the choice we’re used to in San Francisco?’ She sighed as if

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