A Daughter for Christmas

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Book: A Daughter for Christmas by Margaret Daley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Daley
calm, his gut knotted.
    â€œYeah, that’s probably it. I’d better go before she decides to walk home.”
    â€œI’ll come with you. If she isn’t out there, I’ll help you look for her.”
    Rachel made her way toward the office door. “I don’t want to take you from your patients.”
    â€œYou aren’t. We’re shutting down for lunch.”
    They rode the elevator to the first floor in silence. The whole way Max couldn’t dismiss the thought that Taylor was hurting and upset. Many children with ADHD did impulsive things with no thought to the consequences. Had she?
    â€œMy car’s in the second row.” Rachel pointed toward her Lexus SUV.
    As they neared, Max noticed the vehicle was empty. Glancing around, he saw no sign of Taylor. The tightness in his stomach hardened into a rock.

Chapter Five
    H er heartbeat thundering in her ears, Rachel checked the car’s interior to make sure Taylor wasn’t hiding. Its emptiness mocked her. She’d handled this all wrong. Lately, that was all she seemed to be doing with her daughter—taking one step forward and two or three backward.
    â€œWhere would she go when she’s upset?” Max asked, concern edging his voice and expression. He made a slow circle to scan the parking lot.
    Rachel did likewise. The glare of the noonday sun glinted off the vehicles’ surfaces and hurt her eyes. “Maybe a friend’s. But since they’re in school, I guess that’s out. Maybe the arcade. Maybe to Mom’s. She’s at work, but Granny will be there.”
    â€œCall your grandmother while we go to the arcade. I’ll drive.” Max led her to a red Mustang she’d seen in his driveway.
    After she settled in the passenger seat, she dug her cell out of her purse and called Granny. She let the phone ring until the answering machine came on. She left a short message about Taylor being gone.
    â€œWhere’s this arcade?” Max started his vehicle and backed out of his parking space.
    â€œThree streets over on Sheridan near First. In the middle of the block.”
    â€œDoes she go to the arcade a lot?”
    â€œShe’s been there a few times. She likes to play video games. Some of the teens hang out there. It’s a safe environment thankfully. But dark and noisy. I don’t know how she can stay there for more than a few minutes.” The tremor in her voice leaked into her body. She clasped her hands together to still their shaking. She wanted her little girl back—the one who wasn’t moody. The one she could talk to.
    â€œWe’ll find her.”
    As he turned down Sheridan, Rachel peered toward him. “I appreciate your help. I’m sure she’s okay, but I’m at a loss what to do about Taylor anymore. I’m hoping homeschooling will help, but what if it doesn’t?”
    â€œThen you’ll find another answer.”
    The tightness in his voice caused her to study the hard set to his expression. He caught her look and some of the tension eased from his features. “My brother went through a similar time with his son.”
    â€œWhat happened?”
    Max parked in front of the arcade. “He ran with the wrong crowd. Did some stupid, even some dangerous things. The last one, joyriding, woke my nephew up, but not before Brendan had gone through the wringer.”
    â€œHow old was he?”
    â€œFourteen. He’s seventeen now and doing much better.”
    Would it get that bad with Taylor? The thought sent terror through her. As she climbed from the Mustang,she gripped the door frame to steady herself. She felt so alone in that moment.
    Max appeared at her side. “She’ll be okay. My brother refused to acknowledge anything was happening until the situation got bad. You know Taylor is having problems and are willing to find a solution. And you’ve got my help. I may not be a parent, but I’ve worked with children,

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