A Dark Tide (Book of One)

Read Online A Dark Tide (Book of One) by Jordan Baker - Free Book Online

Book: A Dark Tide (Book of One) by Jordan Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Baker
power, and he has always wanted my power."
    "The shadow craves all power, Aaron," Ehlena told him. "It always has. That is its nature. The dark god has fallen to the power of the shadow, and if you fall as well, you will only make it more powerful."
    "It doesn't matter. Every day the shadow grows, and every day it becomes harder for me to resist using my power, so it doesn't matter what I do," Aaron said. "Time is growing short, and I must try to fight while I still can. I know you want me to learn more and I am grateful for the things you and the others have done to try to help me, but if I wait any longer, it will be too late."
    Ehlena stared up at him and she knew the truth of his words, that he could feel the threat of the shadow and would know better than anyone how dangerous it had become.
    "I just wish we could go back," Ehlena said, moving in close to him and leaning her head on his chest. "Don't you wish we could go back, to the time in the forest when it was just the two of us, out under the stars? I know we were both sad at the time, but I am always happy when I think of it."
    Aaron smiled.
    "I wish we could be there again too," he said.
    Ehlena looked up at him, then she stood up on her toes and kissed him. His powerful arms tightened around her as he kissed her back, slow and gentle, and she felt his passion rise as they leaned into each other, savoring a stolen moment together, away from all the problems of the world. After what seemed like an eternity and barely long enough, Ehlena felt him slowly pull away, and she laid her head on his chest again, and held him tight.
    "I must go, Ehlena," Aaron said quietly.
    "I know," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
    "Even if I can stop the shadow, there is much that must be done to make the world right again," Aaron said.
    "I will do what I can," Ehlena said. "As I have always done."
    "I am glad you are in the world," Aaron told her. "The goddess was wise to choose you."
    "It is difficult for me to know what to say to that," Ehlena told him, and she smiled as she wiped a tear. "Besides, I wouldn't want to be immodest."
    Aaron laughed. "You never seemed to have a problem with that before."
    "Is that what you think?" Ehlena pinched his side, below the ribs.
    "Ow!" Aaron jumped, more out of surprise than actual pain. He looked down at her and tried to smile, but his thoughts had already begun to return to the task he faced. "I know you can hear things, and people. If you could do something for me, if things don't turn out."
    "What is it?"
    "You saw the memory of what happened at the palace," he said. "Though the shadow and the god might have caused it, it was still my power that caused the fire. The king and queen died because of me, and many others have suffered because of it, most of all, their daughter, Ariana, who is my sister. You know that I was the captain of her guard and we traveled together."
    "Yes," Ehlena said.
    "I didn't know who she was and she didn't know who I was, but we became friends. It was as though something within us knew one another, but we never got the chance to discover the truth of it. If anything happens to me, could you let her know that I am sorry I caused so much trouble, that if I could change it all, I would."
    "Yes, of course. I can tell her that," Ehlena said, not wanting to tell him that she had already spoken to Ariana, nor wanting to tell him how she had responded. "But it would be best if you told her yourself, once the book is destroyed and the shadow has been destroyed."
    "Do you know where she is?" Aaron asked. "Can you hear her with your power?"
    "Yes," Ehlena replied. "She is far to the north, in the land of the dragons, with Borrican of Kandara."
    "She is with Borrican?" Aaron smiled. "I am glad to hear that."
    "I have heard him speak fondly of you," Ehlena told him.
    "He is a good friend," Aaron said. "I hope to see him again one day."
    "I hope you will too," Ehlena said. "Now promise me you won't forget your friends and

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