A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft

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Book: A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft by Shelley Shepard Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Shepard Gray
Her physical therapist said more walking would be good for her, too. That is, if someone was by her side.”
    As if it wasn’t bad enough to be gossiping, now they were talking about her disability, too. Things had gone beyond awful. They had now settled firmly on something bordering true, stark embarrassment. “ Muddah , please—”
    â€œYeah, sure,” Josiah said quickly. “I mean, if you want me to I will. And if Effie doesn’t mind.”
    â€œShe doesn’t mind. Do you, Effie, dear?” Mamm called over her shoulder as she pulled a cake out of the refrigerator.
    â€œI don’t mind,” she mumbled. Actually, she didn’t know what she thought. Here the boy she’d secretly had a crush on for ageswas going to be walking her home several times a week . . . but for all the wrong reasons. She didn’t know whether to be nervous and excited or filled with embarrassment.
    Josiah smiled. “Gut.”
    And then she was saved by the arrival of two thick slices of yellow cake with her mother’s homemade chocolate buttercream frosting. Josiah’s was easily double the width of hers. “This is a lot of cake, Mamm.”
    â€œI know!” She patted Josiah on the shoulder. “Josiah, you have single-handedly saved me from a lecture from my husband. He always says I bake too much. Now I can tell him that I made it for you and Effie.”
    He grinned. “Glad I could help.”
    Her mother’s eyes softened before she said, “Effie, I’m going to go outside and see Violet. She’s sitting out on the patio.”
    â€œShe is? I thought she’d gone to run errands. I guess she simply parked the car and then decided to stay outside.”
    â€œShe probably didn’t tell you, but she’s been reading some new book in a series she loves. Violet said all she wanted to do today was read.” Her mother sighed dramatically. “And that’s practically all she’s done. I got her to help me bake a chocolate cake and two pies, but that’s it.”
    Josiah looked like he was struggling to keep a straight face. “One cake and two pies sounds like kind of a lot, Mrs. Kaufmann.”
    â€œIt would be, if I wasn’t so behind in my holiday baking. I’ve got cookies and more cookies to bake so I can give them out as gifts. I had been hoping Violet would be more into the spirit of the season.”
    â€œIf Violet is that involved in her book, you better be careful, Mamm,” Effie warned. “She’s probably not going to want you to bother her. Violet gets crabby when people interrupt her.” Privately, Effie thought her sister’s interest in the book might have more to do with taking a break from kitchen chores. Violet liked washing dishes even less than she did.
    â€œBefore she picked you two up, she sat out there for two whole hours.” Drumming her fingers on the countertop, her mother looked over at the back door. “I bet she’s probably ready for a little break.” Before Effie could comment on that, she started Violet’s way.
    Effie was both thankful that she had a few minutes alone with Josiah and embarrassed by her mother’s antics. “Josiah, I’m so sorry that my mamm practically forced you to say you’d come over here again,” she blurted. “And I’m sorry you had to witness her getting so excited about baking, too.”
    â€œI didn’t mind. Your mother is a nice lady, Effie. It’s really kind of her to ask me to come over again.”
    Her mother was nice, but she was also not afraid to ask people to help Effie. “Just to let you know, you don’t, um, have to feel responsible for me. I can walk by myself.”
    â€œI know.”
    â€œAnd Jennifer C. is kind of a brat. She always has been. But she hasn’t been picking on me. I’m not worried about her saying mean things.” At least, not too worried.

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