Definitely Dead

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Book: Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlaine Harris
to me, one so important I bent one of my personal rules.
    “Portia,” I said slowly, wanting to be sure she got my meaning, “you should invite Bill Compton.”
    Now Portia loathed Bill—disliked all vampires—but when she’d been forwarding one of her own plots, she’d dated Bill briefly. Which had been odd, because afterward Bill had discovered Portia was actually his great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter, or something like that.
    Bill had gone along with her pretense of interest in him. At the time, he’d just wanted to find out what her goal was. He’d realized that it made Portia’s skin crawl to be around him. But when he’d discovered the Bellefleurs were his only surviving kin, he’d anonymously given them a whacking great bunch of money.
    I could “hear” that Portia thought I was purposely reminding her of the few times she’d dated Bill. She didn’t want to be reminded of it, and it angered her that I’d done so.
    “Why do you suggest that?” she asked coldly, and I gave her high points for not just stalking out of the shop. Tara was being studiously busy over by the Isabelle table, but I knew she could hear our conversation. Nothing wrong with Tara’s hearing.
    I had a ferocious internal debate. Finally, what Bill wanted prevailed over what I wanted for him. “Never mind,” I said reluctantly. “Your wedding, your list.”
    Portia was looking at me as if she really saw me for the first time. “Are you still dating him?” she asked.
    “No, he’s dating Selah Pumphrey,” I said, keeping my voice even and empty.
    Portia gave me an unreadable look. Without another word, she went out to her car.
    “What was all that about?” Tara asked.
    I couldn’t explain, so I changed the subject to one closer to Tara’s retailing heart. “I’m delighted you’re getting the business,” I said.
    “You and me both. If she didn’t have to pull it together in such a short time, you can bet Portia Bellefleur wouldn’t ever go Isabelle,” Tara said frankly. “She’d drive to Shreveport and back a million times running errands, if she had the lead time. Halleigh is just trailing along in Portia’s wake, poor thing. She’ll come in this afternoon, and I’ll show her the same things I’ve shown Portia, and she’ll have to buckle under. But it’s all good for me. They’re getting the whole package, because the Isabelle system can deliver it all on time. Invitations, thank-you notes, dresses, garters, bridesmaids’ gifts, even the mother-of-the-bride gowns—Miss Caroline will be buying one, and Halleigh’s mother—they’re getting it all here, either from my stock or from Isabelle’s book.” She looked me up and down. “What brought you in, by the way?”
    “I need a date outfit to wear to a play in Shreveport,” I said, “and I have to go to the grocery and get back at home to cook Jason’s lunch. So, you got anything to show me?”
    Tara’s smile turned predatory. “Oh,” she said, “just a few things.”

Chapter 5
    I WAS GLAD JASON WAS A LITTLE LATE. I’D FINISHED the bacon and I was putting the hamburgers in the frying pan when he arrived. I had already opened the package of buns and put two on Jason’s plate, and put a bag of potato chips on the table. I’d poured him a glass of tea and set it beside his place.
    Jason came in without knocking, as he always did. Jason hadn’t changed that much, at least to the eyes, since he’d become a werepanther. He was still blond and attractive, and I mean attractive in the old way; he was good to look at, but he was also the kind of man that everyone looks at when he comes into a room. On top of that, he’d always had a mean streak. But since his change, he’d somehow been acting like a better person. I hadn’t decided why that was. Maybe being a wild animal once a month satisfied some craving he hadn’t known he had.
    Since he’d been bitten, not born, he didn’t change completely; he became a sort of hybrid. At

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