A Certain Threat (The Merriman Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: A Certain Threat (The Merriman Chronicles Book 1) by Roger Burnage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Burnage
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spectacular colours in the sky is to confirm in one the majesty of creation.  But best of all I love to be aboard a ship thrashing to windward close-hauled, with the spray flying and the ship’s rigging taut as fiddle strings, all sail set with just a tweak on a bowline here or a sheet there to have the ship on her best point of sailing.”  He lapsed into momentary silence, a little embarrassed at his own enthusiasm.
    “ Besides, there is always the prospect of some action, or at least the interest of visiting strange foreign places and don’t forget, the sailor travels with his home around him.  I see many places every year whereas you soldiers stay in one place too long, so even if you don’t like it you can’t change it.”
    “ Well, you’re right there, I must agree, but if it is a good place, one can put down some temporary roots and get to know the local folk, the best clubs and so on.  There are always dances and social events with mothers looking for prospective husbands for their daughters.  An army officer can have plenty of fun without being tied down with a wife.”
    “ I suppose so,” said Merriman, “How long have you been in the army?”
    “ Nearly ten years, my father purchased a commission for me as Cornet when I was sixteen and I went to America to join the regiment just in time to come back home when the war over there ended.  The Regiment was so depleted that there were only some one hundred and ninety four other ranks left.  Many officers had been killed or died of disease so there were several vacancies.  My father was able to purchase my Captaincy two years ago.  And you James, how long have you been in the navy?”
    “ Since I was twelve, when my father persuaded a friend of his, Captain Edwards to take me as a midshipman.  I passed the examination for Lieutenant seven years ago, since when I was given command of a small brig carrying dispatches.”
    He hesitated, “I suppose you might as well know Robert, I lost my ship and received this injury to my arm earlier this year, so my naval career may be at an end.”
    “ I certainly hope not my friend, especially as you so obviously enjoy it.”
    “ Time will tell I suppose, but to change the subject, tell me why are you staying in Chester when you said your regiment is in Ireland?”
    “ Yes, it was in Cork but is now in Armagh.  As for me, I’m recruiting for the regiment James, the good old 22 nd , the Cheshire Regiment.  We number some four hundred and fifty men now but hope to raise this to a thousand in the next six months.  It is hoped that the improved uniform and the bounty paid to each new recruit will bring them to the Colours.  Anyway, I’ll be moving round the county and beyond for two or three months before leaving for Ireland.”
    “ Surely you are not on your own in this, Robert, and what is the bounty?”
    “ Three guineas, to be paid to each new man when he signs or makes his mark, although most of it will be taken off him to pay for his equipment.   No  I’m not alone, the recruiting party is usually made up of seven or eight officers, eighteen sergeants and corporals and perhaps ten other ranks including drummer boys.  We separate into smaller parties and eventually we’ll take all the new men to Armagh.”
    “ I wish you luck Robert, in the navy we must resort frequently to the Press Gang when we cannot find enough volunteers, though I must say I feel sorry for men dragged from home and family. Sometimes we get volunteers who think service aboard may be a better choice than prison  Little do they know that they could only be exchanging one sort of hell for another, but the King’s ships must be manned, the country depends on them for her safety.  By the by, what do you know of the local Revenue service and the smugglers.”
    “ Very little I’m afraid, although I have heard of the loss of their cutter.  I do know that the army is available to help if we are called upon, indeed I remember

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