A Bundle of Joy 1: Baby Wanted (BWWM Interracial Romance)
eyes drifted closed and she let him come closer. Sean waited for her to pull away, because he couldn’t stop this. Couldn’t control the aching need to kiss her. Her lips brushed gently across his; then her tongue darted out and Sean moaned; and then pulled her closer, sending his tongue to mingle with hers. The hand in his shirt splayed across his chest and the other dove into his hair. She twisted on his lap, grinding her ass into his rapidly thickening dick. He devoured her mouth, desperate to show her how much he loved her, how much he needed her, how much he wanted her to stay his wife for all of his days.
    Heather kissed him back with the same fervor, almost like she was trying to communicate the same thing. But Sean knew that could never be the case. She’d been incredibly clear that this was a temporary marriage for the sole purpose of having her baby. He pushed aside all the fears and doubts and focused on the now. Those negative thoughts would get their chance to surface soon enough. Even the shame fell by the wayside as he drew Heather tighter against him. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt and Sean wanted to rip it off, but he forced himself to allow her to set the pace for whatever was happening—whatever this was. If it were up to him, he’d lift her off the couch and carry her to their bedroom. The bedroom where they curled up every night and Sean slept with her in his arms, but where they’d never had sex.
    Heather spread his shirt and revealed the expanse of his chest while she thoroughly kissed him. She nipped his lower lip and tugged on it. Sean’s dick hardened beneath Heather and she wiggled against it. He moaned and squeezed her hips. Heather pushed him deeper into the cushions and straddled him, nestling his dick against her moist heat. With a groan, Sean lifted his hips and ground himself against her. This was going to be the worst case of blue balls when she finally came to her senses and made them stop. But until then, he didn’t care.
    Sean kissed her neck and slipped her shirt off. She tasted like vanilla bean ice cream and the scent of her peach bodywash flooded his senses. Heather nibbled his earlobe and palmed his chest. She ground her hips against his and Sean drew a sharp breath. He wasn’t sure how he was going to survive her sweet torture.
    He unhooked her bra and filled his hands with her full breasts. They were already fuller than they’d been on their honeymoon. He suckled one, then the other, lavishing them with all the attention they deserved. Heather rocked her hips forward, dragging the heat of her sex along the full length of his erection.
    “Heather…” he groaned in prayer. “Please let me love you.”
    Her head fell back and she cradled his head against her breasts, as he rolled her nipple tenderly between his teeth. She stroked her hips backward, then ground them in a big circle. “We can’t.” Her voice caught in her throat and she pushed forward again. “The baby.”
    “Will be fine, Heather. I promise.” Sean clamped his hand down over her ass and pulled her tight against the thick ridge of his cock. “Please, Heather. I’ll be gentle. I. Need. You.”
    She pulsed her hips up and down, unable to sit still while he was pressed deeply against her. He felt her sex clench, even through the layers between them. She was panting and he needed her.
    Needed her now.
    “I need you too,” she whispered as she scrambled off his lap, unbuckled his pants and tugged them out from underneath him, and then stripped her own bottoms off. Sean’s dick stood proud in his lap and Heather straddled him again, but this time as her hips lowered, she closed over the top of him. Sean groaned and dug his head into the back of the couch. His breath stuck in his throat and he gripped the flesh of her hips, lifting and lowering her over and over. Heather moaned and rode him with swift, sure strokes, matching his desire and need. Her breasts swung and bounced against

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