9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
said that the men had their blessings to attend the flight school ( WorldNetDaily , October 16, 2001).

    Eye in the Sky

    For over 30 years, the National Security Agency has had voice recognition software that is able to single out key words and statements and to red flag them for analysis. Antennae farms ring the planet, intercepting every type of radio traffic, recording satellite transmissions, and analyzing emails and faxes. By 1996, the Echelon system operated by the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand had openly installed giant

    snooping hubs into every telecommunication system. Every phone call in the world, at come point, is routed through Echelon, then routed again through Europe’s system, known as Infopol 9. Those fully aware that Big Brother is indeed watching at all times, wonder how on earth something like September 11th could happen without the government knowing about it.

    The fact is, the NSA had received many warnings in the years and months preceding the attacks of September 11th. The day before September 11th, the NSA intercepted two detailed messages out of Afghanistan discussing specific attacks on New York. ( Washington Post , June 20, 2002, “NSA Intercepts On Eve of 9/11 Sent a Warning”). Upon learning the news that someone deep inside NSA had leaked the information of its foreknowledge, the White House went into a rage, demanding the individual responsible for exposing government complicity be brought up on treason charges.

    Now, a major prevision of the Homeland Security total takeover legislation is that there will no longer be any Title 5 whistleblower protection for any of the 170,000 Federal employees who will work for the Homeland Security behemoth ( Washington Times , June 22, 2002, “Security Bill Bars Blowing Whistle”). That means that government officials now have open license to engage in more waste, fraud and to use their favorite mechanism of control—terrorism. Federal employees will now be gagged slaves --the property of the state, forced into complicity, silently watching the corruption as it spirals out of control.

    Agents Come Forward

    On May 30, 2002 Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm known best for its role in the impeachment of Bill Clinton, held a press conference at the National Press Club featuring FBI Special Agent Robert Wright. Agent Wright, standing well over 6 feet, began to cry shortly after he began to tell his story. He said that he had been threatened that he would be arrested on National Security violations if he told the press what he knew about government prior knowledge.


    Representing Agent Wright, David Schippers, former lead council in Bill Clinton’s impeachment in the House Judiciary Committee, stated that the agents that he represented could not divulge the majority of their information on government prior knowledge. He said that there many other agents from around the country who wanted to come forward and tell how they had been prevented from stopping Al-Qaeda. They were unable to do so because of similar threats. Schippers himself had received a letter from the Justice Department the day before the press conference threatening all those coming forward with arrest.

    Larry Klayman, President of Judicial Watch, went on to point out that the Bush family likes to vacation with the bin Ladens and to stay at their home when they are in Saudi Arabia. Judicial Watch also questioned why the FBI, that had threatened Robert Wright and many other agents, was so supportive of FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, who had come forward with peripheral information about prior knowledge. The reason the FBI did this was because they were desperate to have the appearance that they were not engaging in a cover-up, and Coleen Rowley, in her now-famous memo, was stating that she had been blocked from going after the hijackers, but that it was just a bureaucratic snafu, and that the government just needed more funding.

    In the first seven months

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