9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
after September 11, those of us in the research community who understood what had really happened at the World Trade Center and Pentagon were reporting the truth to the people through alternative media channels. The globalists were stunned by the speed at which the information chronicling their program was being disseminated. They had to get control of the situation, so they admitted that there was lots of prior knowledge, insisting that the reason for this was that there were too many agencies and that they couldn’t communicate with each other.

    As a solution they proposed total centralization of power under the Executive Branch and a massive $38 billion increase in anti-terrorism operations. All 7,400 neighborhood watch programs were to go under FEMA, Americorps would need to recruit 1 in 24

    Americans to be paid spies of the Federal Government, and the new Northcom Command (which had been set up just prior to September 11) would put 350,000+ US Army troops on the streets, with foreign armies standing by to save us “if we needed the help.” They put out this spin, and their willing accomplices in the government–controlled media were able to completely sidestep issues of insider trading, CIA-Al-Qaeda complicity, Bush on Cipro etc.

    Colonel Comes Forward

    In early June of 2002, Lt. Col. Steve Butler, the Dean of the Defense Language School in Monterey, California wrote a letter to the editor of the Monterey Herald , saying that Bush had prior knowledge and stood to gain from the attack. In this letter Colonel Butler stated, "Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama.”

    The press reported that Colonel Butler was suspended from his post, and that the Air Force was preparing to Court Marshall him under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which forbids bad-mouthing commanding officers or the President. A June 17, 2002 Reuters article reported that Colonel Butler’s case had been resolved without moving to a Court Martial. The schemers at the Pentagon undoubtedly got a call from deeper in the bowels of the national security dictatorship telling them not to conduct an embarrassing trail where Butler could bring forth the evidence of the globalists’
    wicked deeds.

    The $7 Billion Lawsuit

    I interviewed San Francisco attorney Stanley Hilton on my syndicated radio talk show. Hilton is the lawyer who filed a $7 billion lawsuit on behalf of four hundred family members of victims who died in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania

    crash sites. He filed his suit in US District Court against President Bush and other top government officials for allowing the terrorist attacks to occur.

    Hilton has also been in consultations with Air Force Lt. Col Steven Butler, and says that what the press won’t tell you is that Col. Butler is enraged over the fact that he was forced to train the lead hijacker, Mohammed Atta at the Defense Language School in the late 1990s. That’s the same Mohammed Atta who was given training at the Pensacola Naval Air Station with two other principal hijackers. Hilton says that Butler has been in contact with hundreds of graduates from his 24 years at the Defense Language School (which trains code breakers and spies for the military) who are outraged over government complicity. Butler told Hilton that it is common knowledge in Defense Intelligence that the entire September 11th tragedy was engineered to be a trigger to get the American people in a frenzy which would then allow the Bush Administration to tighten its political grip.

    Stanley Hilton told the listeners of my radio broadcast that he has proof from dozens of high-level officers in every branch of the Armed Services, especially the Air Force and Space Command based in NORAD, that Bush ordered the fighter aircraft to stand down on September 11 and that Bush

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