84 Ribbons

Read Online 84 Ribbons by Paddy Eger - Free Book Online

Book: 84 Ribbons by Paddy Eger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paddy Eger
Madame’s cane against the wooden floor. The door opened wide in one quick motion.
    Madame Cosper stood before her with one hand on her cane and one on the door handle. “Yes?”
    Marta dipped her head, curtsied, then pulled herself tall to face Madame. She took a quiet, deep breath. “I’ve come to apologize.”
    Madame stared at her. She started to speak, stopped, and moved back to sit at her desk before motioning Marta to enter. Everything about Madame was composed: her makeup, her hair, her clothes. Marta felt like a disheveled child with trembling knees as she stepped into the office.
    Damien sat at a desk near the door. He eyed her with studied calmness. Now she needed to face both of them. Her heart raced as she adjusted her shoulders and curtsied toward Damien.
    Madame played with her rings as she eyed Marta, who stood with her hands clasped behind her back. “Well?”
    “I apologize for my actions yesterday. I acted rude and disrespectful. I hope you will forgive me. I--”
    Madame raised her hand to stop Marta. She looked from Marta to Damien. “We’ve discussed your actions. Horrible rudeness. We cannot tolerate such behavior from professional dancers.”
    “I know. And I am sincerely sorry for what I did,” Marta said.
    Madame pointed her finger at Marta. “We’ve expended time and money selecting you to join the company. You arrived days late, unprepared, and not dressed as a dancer. Perhaps this is a joke to you.”
    “No, it’s not a joke. I understand. But Madame, I came on time from what the letter said. I expected the greeter would help me, but I’m alone, and I’m trying to get caught up. I’m a good dancer, but this is hard and...”
    “Life is hard; ballet is harder. You need to take responsibility for your actions. All your actions.”
    Marta lowered her face. Her heartbeat thumped in her head and her palms sweat. How could she make Madame and Damien understand? Her dream hung from a gossamer thread.
    “Damien and I have never experienced behavior like this,” Madame Cosper said. “Personally, I feel you should leave. I don’t think you’re strong enough for the company.”
    A shock wave jolted Marta. So, just like that. Her career was over.  What would she tell her mom and Miss Holland?
    Damien stood and walked to the side of Madame’s desk. “I, however, think we need you. You have good musicality and potential to develop into a strong dancer. If you work hard, we can uncover it. Right, Anna?”
    Madame looked down and ran her hands over her desktop.
    Madame looked up. Her lips tightened. “It’s too late in the season to audition another dancer. But, if you pull another stunt, you’ll be dismissed. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, Madame.” A sigh escaped Marta’s lips as she cleared her throat. “Thank you.” She tightened her elbows against her sides to steady herself.
    Damien opened the office door. “Now, Miss Selbryth, you need to leave and get ready for today. Rehearsal begins in twenty minutes.”
    Madame stood and leaned forward. “We’ll be watching your every move. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, Madame.”
    Marta backed out of the office. As she descended the stairs, she wiped her eyes on her sleeve and tried to collect herself before she vibrated into dozens of pieces and crumbled to the floor.
    The hallway to the dressing room lengthened before her. She hurried into a bathroom stall, locked the door, and sat on the closed toilet seat. With her head resting in her hands, she willed her body to stop shaking.
    A faint knock sounded on the stall door.
    “Marta, it’s me,” Lynne said. “Are you okay?”
    “What happened?”
    “They gave me a second chance.”
    Marta stood at the barre waiting for the warm-up music to begin. Damien led the morning, paying Marta no obvious extra attention, but she sensed his scrutiny. Her movements felt wooden; the lift for every relevé came from muscles she doubted would

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