4 Buried Secrets

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Book: 4 Buried Secrets by Leighann Dobbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leighann Dobbs
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those dark mines that we wouldn’t do,” Jolene threw over her shoulder at the couples and the two sisters snickered as they disappeared into the dark mouth of the opening.
    The cool chill of the mine was a welcome relief from the hot intensity of the sun outside. The dim light, however, was not. Celeste fished the small pen light out of her pocket feeling grateful that Luke had equipped each of them with one before they left.  
    She shined the light around the mine. “Not much here but blasted out rock.”
    “What were you expecting? A big number seven or ‘Shorty was here’ or something?” Jolene teased. “Let’s go in further and see what we can see.”
    Jolene trained her light on the dark tunnel ahead and Celeste followed her in, flashing her light on the walls and floor, hoping to uncover some sort of clue.
    About thirty feet in, they came to a split in the tunnel. The sisters stood in the middle, each one shining their light down a different path.
    “You wanna stick together or split up?” Jolene asked.
    “We can cover more ground if we split up,” Celeste answered ignoring the tightening in her stomach that told her it was a bad idea.
    “Yeah.” Jolene looked at her watch. “We won’t go too far in, though. How about we each go ten minutes and then turn back?”
    “Sounds good.” Celeste held out her fist and the girls did a knuckle tap. Then they disappeared into different tunnels.
    The tunnel was more narrow than the main shaft and Celeste took her time picking her way through the small rocks that littered the bottom. The damp, musty smell of earth ticked her nose and she let out a sneeze that echoed loudly in the tunnel. Taking her hand away from her mouth, the beam of her flashlight illuminated something that didn’t look quite right on the wall.
    She trained the light on the spot. Was that writing?
    She got close to the wall, squinting at the carvings in the stone. Not writing, but some kind of pictures—like hieroglyphics.  
    Celeste had no idea what the three symbols carved into the wall meant. Were they put there by some ancient civilization or the miners? If the miners had dug out the tunnel, then it only made sense it was them … or someone who came here after. It couldn’t have been an ancient civilization since the tunnel wouldn’t have existed.  
    She beamed the light up and down the wall on all sides but there were no more symbols. Slowly she walked down the tunnel searching every inch of wall. About five feet down, she found more symbols, then more after another five feet. Curious, she followed the path of symbols deeper into the tunnel.
    What did they mean? Celeste had no idea, but she knew someone who did—Cal. She got her cell phone out and snapped a few shots of the symbols. Cal was an expert historian, if anyone could figure out what these were and what they meant, he could. Maybe he would even be able to tear himself away from business and join them, she hoped.
    She made her way down the tunnel, taking pictures of all the symbols. She came to another split. Each tunnel had a group of carved symbols on the wall right at the split. She aimed the camera at the symbols on the tunnel wall to the right. The flash in the camera went off as it had before, but this time it illuminated more than just the symbols. She peered into the tunnel letting her eyes adjust after the flash—that couldn’t have been …
    Her heart jerked when she realized a figure of a man stood just inside the tunnel. Not a flesh and blood man—a ghost … and he didn’t look happy.
    “What do you think you are doing?” he asked.
    Celeste’s brows pulled together. He looked familiar. She leaned closer to him, then pulled back realizing who it was—Shorty!
    “I’m just exploring.” Celeste fought the fear that clutched at her chest.  
    Shorty had robbed and killed in his lifetime. He hadn’t been a nice person and his ghost probably wasn’t much different. But his ghost knew where the treasure

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