2 Witch and Famous

Read Online 2 Witch and Famous by Eve Paludan, Stuart Sharp - Free Book Online

Book: 2 Witch and Famous by Eve Paludan, Stuart Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Paludan, Stuart Sharp
going to suspect them now?” I asked.
    “You wanted possibilities. I didn’t say they were good possibilities. Sorry.”
    No, because whatever else had happened, I had felt an enchanter in Jessica’s home. I still needed to find out what that meant.
    “Look into the people who have disappeared,” I said to Fergie. “Find out what you can about them. I don’t like Rebecca suddenly dropping something like that on me. I’ll concentrate on the main case for now.”
    “You think that they’re linked?” Fergie asked.
    “I don’t know.” I hoped not. Because the only way I could see that they might be linked was if Rebecca was right. If Niall was behind all of it. I couldn’t believe that. Not yet. Not until I saw some proof .
    I didn’t so much as mention the case to Niall when I went to his place. I didn’t even mention the near-shooting, in case it sent him on some kind of hunt for the coven. For his part, Niall was quiet, too, not bringing up the business he’d been caught up in all day. He just played the piano for a while in the living room, old tunes that I didn’t really recognize. He was so intent on playing that I wasn’t sure that he even noticed the moment when I left to go back to my place. It made me a little sad. Under the weight of suspicion, we were losing… us.
    The next morning brought me back to the office through the press of street performers already out touting for their bigger shows later that day. Fergie was already at his desk when I arrived. That was only to be expected. The woman sitting across from him was more of a surprise.
    She turned as I said it, looking every bit as perfect as she had on Jessica Hammersmith’s doorstep. She smiled up at me from one of the client chairs. “Elle, hi. I hope you don’t mind me coming here like this. It’s just…well, you’re looking into what happened, and I thought maybe you’d want to see these.”
    She passed me a trio of business cards. They were for clubs.
    “Places where Jessica sang?” I asked.
    Victoria shook her head. “I don’t think so. Maybe. I don’t know. It’s just…they weren’t with any of the other business things. Jess was normally pretty good about that sort of thing. She had these sort of…hidden.”
    Victoria was worried by that thought. I could feel that much.
    “What is it?” I asked.
    “It’s probably nothing,” Victoria said. “I’m probably just being foolish.”
    “But one of them kind of has a…reputation. As a singles’ bar, you know?” Victoria shook her head. “I don’t know why I’m even telling you this. It feels like I’m being disloyal even thinking it, but what if it had something to do with what happened and I didn’t say something?”
    I knew that feeling. I knew how much it hurt, too. What did you do when the person you loved was keeping secrets? What did you do when you suspected that there were things about them that you had never known?
    “I’ll look into it,” I promised, and not just because I wanted to make Victoria feel better. The slight flicker of a smile that crossed her features was just a bonus. A bonus that reminded me I hadn’t fed in a couple of days. And if I was noticing that around women, I was getting really hungry.
    I forced myself to focus as Fergie showed Victoria to the door.
    “So, you’re going to look at these places?” he asked.
    “If Jessica was looking for another relationship, then that could explain how she met the enchanter I felt in her house,” I explained. “It could be that they stalked her there.”
    “Stalked? This isn’t some 1950s’ horror movie.”
    I shrugged. “Said the werewolf to the emotional vampire. If we’re lucky, someone at one of these places will remember Jessica. If we’re really lucky, they’ll remember who she met there.”
    “It does sound like the perfect place for an enchanter to hunt,” Fergie admitted. He looked at me. “Are you going to be okay? Marie says

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