10 Rules to Sex Up a Blind Date

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Book: 10 Rules to Sex Up a Blind Date by Heidi Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Rice
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the perfect match for a no-strings hook-up. But she’s not
    Brent’s temper faltered. So Sam hadn’t known Tally had a side-line? He guessed the fact that he hadn’t been sold out by one of his best buds in London was some compensation. But it didn’t alter the facts. ‘She moonlights as a call-girl, you dumbass.’ In a lot of ways, Sam’s innocence only made the sickening roll of regret more pronounced. Because now he had no excuses. He’d crossed that damn line last night without any help from Sam.
    ‘Hold up. I don’t believe it. She can’t be a hooker, because if she is, she’s no good at it.’
    ‘How the hell would you know that?’ Brent shouted.
    Jenna’s head swung round and he lifted his hand in a quelling motion. Dropping his voice back to a hiss, he gave Sam both barrels. ‘You’re not the one who slept with her.’ And she wasn’t good. She was awesome. But thinking about how awesome only made the heat flood back into his crotch. He shifted on his chair, ashamed all over again by the instant reaction.
    ‘I’m not talking about her bedroom skills,’ Sam said as if he were a harassed parent scolding a two-year-old. ‘I’m talking about her business skills. If she was looking to pick you up for money, she had a weird way of going about it, because she never mentioned a fee to me. Not once. Did she mention one to you?’
    ‘Not in so many words, but...’ Brent hesitated. He slipped her business card out of his wallet, thumbed the corner as he read it again, the way he’d been doing most of the morning, and the tiny flicker of hope drowned. ‘Her card says she is.’
    The events of their night together came spooling back and the knowledge she hadn’t mentioned a price made him feel more depressed than encouraged. What if she simply hadn’t had the opportunity? He hated the thought that someone as smart and funny and sexy as Tally had to sell herself for a living, but what he hated more was his behaviour. He’d jumped her, and carried on jumping her, without asking her a damn thing about herself. He’d used her to make himself feel good, while shunning any kind of emotional connection because that had been the easy way out. She’d pretty much blown his mind. But what was he to her? Another guy who got his rocks off at her expense? How did he even know her orgasms had been for real? What if she’d been faking them? It wasn’t as though he had a radar on his cock, and in her profession she was probably an Oscar-winning faker.
    He thrust his hand through his hair. To think he figured he’d reached rock-bottom a couple of months ago when he’d woken up unable to remember his date’s name. This was worse, way worse. Because he knew Tally’s name, knew how good she could make him feel, how much he loved her bad behaviour, and how captivated he was by her smart-ass attitude, but he’d still screwed her without bothering to find out a single thing about her.
    ‘What exactly does the card say?’ Sam’s wry comment interrupted. Brent flicked the card over and read out the words, front and back, as the pain in his chest began to strangle him.
    ‘You’re shitting me.’ The rich rumble of Sam’s laughter echoed through the receiver.
    ‘What’s so goddamn funny?’
    ‘You don’t have a clue, do you?’ Sam replied, making Brent’s temper ignite.
    ‘A clue about what?’
    ‘You hooked up with the Blind Date Bitch, man. That is so awesome.’
    ‘It is not awesome, Sam. Are you on something? She’s a hooker.’
    ‘You wish.’ Sam carried on chuckling, making Brent’s short hairs stand on end. This didn’t feel like being the punchline for one of Sam’s jokes. It felt worse than that. It felt like the time Della had posted that picture of him on Facebook. It felt as though he’d just been outed as the biggest jackass on the planet. Again.
    ‘She’s not a pro, Brent, she’s a social media sensation with a bad attitude and a seriously smart

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