02_Coyote in Provence

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Book: 02_Coyote in Provence by Dianne Harman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne Harman
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    Elena washed the potatoes, pierced and oiled them, and put them in the oven. She felt fabulous, the best she’d felt in a long time. After she finished working at Henri’s Bakery earlier in the day, she’d headed to the village pharmacy with its vast array of make-up and skin products.
    As she was getting ready for the evening, and applying make-up for the first time in months, she realized how much she’d missed being attractive. If that was vanity, so be it. Her mother’s mantra came back to haunt her: Get a good job. Find a rich man. Get out of the barrio.
    Well, Madre, I did that and look what happened.  I got out of the barrio and ended up in Provence with no man, just a dead husband. Maybe her mantra was wrong for me. And now look what I’ve done – invited a policeman for dinner for the second night in a row. Maybe I like to live on the edge a little more than I thought. This could really be dangerous for me, but somehow, I just don’t care. Anyway, I’m lonely and he’s very attractive.
    Elena took the glass of wine that Jordan offered her. “We have some time before the potatoes will be ready. Let’s go out on the patio. It’s such a beautiful evening,” she said.
    Large wooden baskets of flowering plants hung from the patio’s open lattice cover. Numerous clay pots filled with a variety of brightly colored flowers had been carefully arranged on the tiled floor. There was a charming small table and chairs, with soft pillows cushioning the harshness of the wrought iron. In the distance, the lights of the village sparkled in the last glow of daylight. The hills were bathed in muted shades of purples and blues. They raised a glass to one another in a silent toast.
    “Tell me about your day,” she began as she took a sip of her wine. “Did you find any of the paintings you were looking for?”
    “As a matter of fact,” he said, “It has been a very successful day. I located two more paintings, and I was able to get a photo of the person who sold a painting to one of the galleries. I ate in two fabulous restaurants, and the day isn’t over yet!”
    She laughed. “You’re setting a pretty high bar for me.  I’m not a professional chef from a fancy restaurant.  I just like to cook.”
    “Elena, don’t downplay your cooking. And I guarantee you that the chefs in the restaurants did not look like you. You look absolutely stunning tonight. And I’d be a liar if I didn’t tell you how much I’ve looked forward to seeing you again.”
    Their eyes met and they were both silent for a moment.  “I feel the same way, Jordan. I know you’re only going to be here for a few days, but I’m glad you came to Henri’s and asked to speak with me.  I’ve been looking forward to this all day as well. I didn’t realize how lonely I’ve been.”
    “I’m glad to hear that.”
    Elena jumped ahead, not waiting for the questions she knew he’d be asking at some point. “My husband was very ill before he died. It’s been a long time since I have enjoyed being with a man, and even more, had the feeling a man was enjoying being with me. Thank you for that.”
    They began to speak at the same time and then laughed, breaking the tension of the moment.  “Elena, I’ll only be here for a few days. I’d like to make them memorable for both of us.” Jordan stood up, setting his wine glass on the table. “I may be really misreading things, but I want you, and I think you feel the same way. If we were back in the United States, we could do a long mating dance, but we don’t have the luxury of time.”
    He leaned over and gave her a long, passionate kiss which she eagerly returned. “Please, beautiful lady that I hardly know, won’t you come with me?” He extended his hand to her. She took it and stood, putting her wine glass on the table as well.
    They walked into the house and into her bedroom. She started to unbutton her blouse. “Stop,” Jordan said. “I want to take off your clothes, one

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