ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel

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Book: ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Lemen
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maybe they'll get away too." Gin added, trying to comfort Jacob.

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    It wasn't long before we would find out what awaited us along the way. We had only traveled a couple of blocks, during which we found ourselves dodging a few wrecked and abandoned vehicles, when we encountered a large dead dog lying in the middle of the road; it was being feasted upon by two female zombies. Between the three of them they had unintentionally blocked our way, along with the help of a cable TV truck that had wrecked and dropped ladders all over the road.
    With little or no shoulder on the road, we had only two choices. We could speed up and try to ram our way through, and hope that any damage to our vehicle or trailer would be minimal, which wasn’t likely.
    Or I could stop the van, one or two of us could get out and lure the zombies to the side of the road and dispatch them there, then move a couple of the ladders and we could continue on to the river.
    It was imperative that we get the boat to the river. The boat was our plan, and without it, we had no plan.
    Zombies seemed to be everywhere we looked, and we certainly didn’t want to be stuck out in the open without a means of transportation. Therefore, I felt we couldn’t risk damage to the van or to the boat trailer.
    If we were to get out of our vehicle for a short time, we could eliminate the threat quickly, get back into the van, and be on our way before the sound of our gunfire brought more of these monsters down on us. That is if nobody mistook us for the undead, or just wanted what we had and started shooting at us. That was a chance we would have to take, after all we couldn’t return to our house, and we couldn’t stay there.
    I slowly applied the brakes and brought our vehicle to a crawl as we approached the roadblock ahead.
    “I’m going to stop the van about ten yards from them. Billy, Jake, you two get out on opposite sides and get their attention, lead them into the ditch and blast them.
    Then toss those two ladders off the road and get back in here as fast as you can.”
    As we came to a stop, the side doors of the van opened, and Jacob and Billy slid out of their seats onto the asphalt, raised their weapons and began to yell.
    “Hey! Hey, you eaters! Look, here we are!”
    Both of the female zombies tilted their heads up quickly as if they had been startled, their teeth clinching the same leg bone of the deceased mutt, one at the foot and the other at the hip.
    They paused for a moment glaring at the boys, snarling and dripping a dark red color of blood from their mouths that was marbled with foaming white and pink saliva.
    Suddenly, without warning and in unison, as if they had choreographed their moves, they rose to their feet, lifting the body of the dog with them until the weight of the canine’s cadaver caused it to tear away from the semi-devoured leg and drop to the ground in front of them.
    They moved toward Billy and Jacob, each choosing a different boy to attack. The two zombies now conjoined by the dog’s leg that they refused to release, tugged at each other, and swaying back and forth they struggled to move forward toward their chosen victims.
    Under different circumstances this spectacle would have been rather humorous, but these weren’t different circumstances, this was a life and death situation, and those were my boys that were in grave danger.
    I quickly rolled my window down and yelled.
    “Lead them into the ditch and kill them, and be careful.”
    “We are dad," Billy answered.
    "Come over by me Jacob, they won’t let go of the dog’s leg,” Billy shouted.
    Without hesitation, Jacob ran to his brother’s side.
    “Now they’re coming, just a little bit closer.”
    Boom! Boom! Boom!
    The two females first dropped to their knees like marionettes whose strings had been cut, then fell face first into the ditch. Their jaws still clutching the leg bone of the dead mongrel even though the tops of

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