Zigzag Street

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Book: Zigzag Street by Nick Earls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick Earls
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realise that the sensation I took to be water running down my arms is in fact blood. I have several slashes to each forearm, running from my wrists halfway to my elbows. I rinse my arms under the tap and the bleeding continues.
    I sit on the steps for about twenty minutes with each forearm wrapped in an old towel. The moonlight reveals a recently cut lawn but not a hint of cat.
    When I check my arms again they are still oozing blood. This is really pissing me off. I realise I can’t go to bed like this. I can’t do anything until this is properly sorted out.
    I find my Medicare card and walk down the hill to the medical centre, the towels wrapped again around my forearms.
    I explain my predicament at the counter and I’m taken straight into the treatment room, where I sit for more than half an hour listening to the waiting room TV through the wall and bleeding patiently. Just after the third time that I’m told, It won’t be long now , a doctor walks in.
    He says, Hi . He says his name is Greg. He has profoundly orange hair.
    He looks at my arms and I tell him a cat did it to me, and I almost tell him more. Greg, the orange cat, the cat I am sure is named after him, my grandmother’s cat, etcetera. But that would only lead me back to the trashing. So I just tell him a cat did it to me.
    Some cat , he says. What were you doing to it ?
    Flea bath.
    He fiddles around, washes my arms with a pink solution, seems not to mind about the on-going bleeding. He talks about sutures and says he thinks we can get away without them. He closes some parts with strips and calls the nurse in to give me a dressing with some pressure. He talks about the possibility of an infection and says I should come back tomorrow or the day after to have the wound checked.
    And he’s looking at me as though he’s trying to work something out. As though his mouth might be saying something mundane and procedural, but his brain is off on a tangent. Just when I’m assuming he’s feeling the end of a long day and his mind is merely elsewhere he says, So how are you? Other than this I mean .
    How are you feeling? How are things? Generally .
    Good. That’s good. So, no other problems then? Nothing else you’d like to discuss while you’re here ?
    No. I don’t think so.
    You’re not … you’re not depressed at all , he says, as though this can masquerade as casual enquiry, or anything?
    Well … no. I’m fine.
    But I blew it. I paused and I blew it. If I was fine there would have been no pause. I would have laughed. And now we’re both looking at my forearms as though the bandages are hiding wounds far deeper than cat scratches.
    Well, look, you really don’t seem very happy to me. And I’m a bit concerned .
    What do you mean?
    I know what he means.
    Well, those wounds. If they weren’t caused by a cat, if it was something else, that’d be okay. We could talk about it. Things can be sorted out you know, even when they don’t look good .
    It was a cat. It was a cat, really. You want me to bring it in and show it to you? We can do the forensic thing and get the skin out from under its claws. Except I think it’s run away. We could have done that if it hadn’t run away.
    So there’s no cat now ?
    There’s no cat now. Now. But there was a cat earlier this evening.
    So these wounds were caused by some kind of temporary cat ?
    No, no. A cat. A regular cat. A cat who didn’t like the flea bath, and I think he’s gone now.
    Okay . He pauses, I have to ask you something, and I don’t want you to be offended, and I want you to answer honestly. Regardless of the cause of these injuries, okay, regardless, can you tell me that if I let you go home now you’ll be okay ?
    It was a cat.
    Fine. It was a cat. And can you give me an undertaking that if you go home now you’ll be okay ?
    I’ll be fine. Fine. I’m a bit worried about

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