Yule Be Mine

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Book: Yule Be Mine by Lori Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Foster
he couldn’t let that matter. Lily had a problem. She had a dispute.
    She had… a guy on his knees?
    Parker blinked in surprise at that. Lily’s confrontations always involved men. More specifically, they involved Lily rejecting men. But a begging guy?
    That was a first.
    Glued to his spot on the stairs, Parker stared, and listened.
    â€œIt was not a date, Clive. Not ever. No way. I made that clear.”
    â€œBut we had lunch,” Clive insisted, reaching out to grasp her knee. “Just the two of us.”
    While stepping back, out of reach, Lily exclaimed, “I picked up the bill!”
    Clive crawled after her. “But I would have.”
    She slapped his hands away. “I didn’t let you— because it was not a date .”
    â€œLily,” he moaned. “I thought we had something special.”
    â€œTuna fish on rye is not special, Clive. Now get up .”
    At her surly reply, Parker bit back a smile. Lily excelled in brokenhearted boyfriends, and this guy looked very brokenhearted. Poor schmuck.
    As Clive obediently climbed to his feet, Parker looked at Lily—and met her gaze. The surprise in her brown eyes softened to pleasure; she gave him a silly, relieved smile—expecting him to heroically save the day.
    And Parker supposed he would.
    He’d taken one step toward her when good old Clive threw his arms around her. “I love you!”
    â€œOh, puh-lease .” Lily shoved against him, but Clive wouldn’t let go.
    â€œI do,” he insisted. “Let me show you how much.”
    Glancing toward Parker, Lily said, “Don’t be stupid, Clive. I know why you’re here.”
    Parker knew why, too. Lily was sexy and sweet, and Clive wanted in her pants.
    â€œYou’re after my money,” Lily stated, causing Parker to do a double take.
    â€œLily, no!” Clive cried.
    â€œYou’re broke, Clive. I know all about your business going under, the losses you’ve sustained.”
    â€œTemporary setbacks, I swear.”
    â€œRight. Temporary, because you figured I could shore you back up.” She leaned away from Clive’s hold.
    â€œNoooo.” Clive tugged her close again.
    Straightening her arms to hold Clive off, Lily looked at Parker. “Well, don’t just stand there.”
    Smirking, Parker took the remaining steps to the landing and caught Clive by the back of his coat. Because he was tired and annoyed—and damn it, he didn’t like seeing other men slobbering on Lily—Parker rattled him.
    â€œThe lady said to leave.” For good measure, he shook Clive again before setting him several feet away from Lily. “Now beat it.”
    Flustered, Clive straightened his coat with righteous anger. “Who the hell are you?”
    â€œJust a neighbor.”
    â€œThen this doesn’t concern you.”
    Given his height of six feet four, Parker had the advantage of looking down on most people, especially shorter people like Clive. “I’m a cop. I’ve had a shitty day.” He leaned toward Clive, forcing him to back up. “I’ve dealt with a three-car pileup. Got knocked into a damn curb full of blackened slush by a mob of happy shoppers. Got jumped by a crazy woman stealing a bike for her kid. Had to break up a riot during a VCR sale. And wrestled with a goon robbing Santa of donations for the homeless. I am not in the mood to tell you twice.”
    Clive gulped. “I just need to explain to her…”
    â€œShe’s not interested in your explanations.”
    Lily moved to stand beside Parker. “No, I’m not.” She curled her arms around one of his for no reason that Parker could find. She did that a lot. If she spoke to him, she touched him—almost as if she couldn’t help herself.
    And it drove him nuts.
    â€œAll right.” Dejected, Clive fashioned a puppy-dog face. “But you’re making a mistake, Lily. I do love you. With all

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