You're the One
    Like right
behind her close.
    A little
tingle danced up her spine. “I um…I bought some in.”
    “You did?” The
surprise in his voice was tinged with pleasure.
    Maybe she
shouldn’t have thought about pleasure.
    Maybe she
should get some sense. Cripes, he was just standing behind her, for
crying out loud, and here she was acting like she had no
commonsense. More like an idiot .
    She cleared
her throat. “It seemed like a good idea.”
    That long arm
reached over her shoulder again, brushing her ear as he slowly took
another pair of socks off the rack. There was a definite brush of
something against her, the briefest of pressure that pressed
deliciously along her back and bottom, the brush of material
against her bare legs.
    Oh boy, he was really close behind her.
    She sucked in
a deep breath, which was probably a mistake because then she got a
good lungful of his male scent, making her senses whirl a little. Oh, for crying out loud!
    A steadying
hand settled on her back. “Del? Are you all right?”
    That brought
her to her senses. It wasn’t like she could say ‘Well, no, you make
me giddy like a schoolgirl’.
    “Sure,” she
managed to say cheerfully, turning to face him. “So, how many pairs
do you…” She found herself looking at a blue shirt stretched over a
broad chest. Oh boy. He was close all right. So close, in fact,
that barely seven inches separated them. “…want?” she managed to
    When he didn’t
reply, she slowly dragged her gaze up that powerful chest, up that
strong neck, that set jaw, those firm lips, that straight nose,
higher to meet those brown eyes that were - oh geez. She blinked.
There was no question this time, his pupils had dilated, his gaze
intense as he gazed down at her. Her mouth went dry. There was an
undeniable flicker of heat in his eyes.
    Moz’s lips
firmed as he just continued to look down at her, his nostrils
flaring slightly as he inhaled deeply.
    Couldn’t the
man speak? Sure as hell she couldn’t, not with her mouth so dry. So
she swallowed, licked her lips, and man, that just made his pupils
dilate even more.
    Talk about
feeling like prey before a huge predator.
    Talk about an
alien wash of heat flooding her nether regions.
    This so wasn’t
like her. She wasn’t some crazy sheila who wobbled at the knees
before a man who could likely break her in half if he bothered to
try. Certainly she didn’t act like this with a man who…like…well,
like Moz. She really had to get a grip.
    Trying to
regain her equilibrium, she asked firmly, “Anything else you want?”
Unfortunately, it came out a whole lot huskier.
    “Yeah,” Moz
said, “there is.” Unexpectedly catching her nape in a big hand, he
bent down and kissed her.

    Chapter 3
    His lips were
warm but firm. She registered that almost immediately. Warm and
firm, gentling as he kissed her a little more thoroughly, his lips
shaping hers, exploring almost delicately before settling fully to
deepen the kiss.
she reached out, her palm flattening against his chest, not to push
him away but to steady herself as she leaned into the kiss.
    God, the man
could kiss. He didn’t force her, didn’t push her, but he led her
along a warm path that tantalised her, his kiss decisive yet still
retaining the care that shivered through her, playing along a taut
string that snapped tight at the same time it strummed low and deep
inside her.
    Her eyelashes
fluttered open when she felt the coolness invade the warmth where
his lips had been. Looking up into his eyes, she saw the heat, that
awareness of her, the same awareness she had of him.
    The kiss was
unexpected, came out of nowhere, but she couldn’t wish it away.
Almost dreamily, she blinked.
    Apparently the
kiss was as unexpected for Moz as it for Del, for he blinked in
turn before the heat in his eyes fled to be replaced with clarity.
His hand left her nape as he straightened abruptly.

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