Your Red Always

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Book: Your Red Always by Leeann Whitaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leeann Whitaker
arrange the questions in my head. Sara trots across the floor. She smiles. It’s a strange, I know something you don’t smirk. She takes the wet towel from me between her thumb and finger, holding it at an arms-length like I’ve just wiped my ass on it.
    “Mr Knight is waiting for you.” She gestures her head. “Straight on and through the door.”
    Oh hell. Why does there have to be a slow walk and a door? I suck in my lip, and begin the long journey. My pulse quickens, and blood warms my cheekbones as I stare at the solid oak door ahead. My bare feet sweat, leaving nervous prints on the marble. I stop, and stand with my nose practically touching the wood. I’m so close, I can smell the varnish. I lift my hand and make a fist, but clam up.
    “Elizabeth, come through,” he says, before I knock.
    I hope there are no cameras observing my pathetic reaction outside this door. I quickly scour above. No camera in sight. He can probably hear my freaked out mumbling. 
    I gradually pull down the handle. I tell myself not look at him. Just get in there, and close the door. I hobble through, and now I have my face against the wood again with my back to him. My chest swells out to full capacity.
    “Nice view, but I’d like to see you face.” His husky tone tempts to the point of ignition.
    I turn with the aim of appearing resolute, but end up a clumsy twitching mess. And now, a large bump has formed in my throat, repressing my speech. I can’t do this. I’m going to pass-out at any moment. 
    He’s sat at his desk. It’s old, with a large green leather writing mat in the centre. It’s very dim in here with no windows, and only one gold down light on his desk. He sits in his green chesterfield chair, with a dainty grin, studying me over the rim of his designer frames. Even the glasses don’t mask his turbulent gaze. 
    I swallow, looking at the tall bookshelf behind his head to give my eyes a brief break. It’s full of thick black and red volumes.
    “Why haven’t you drunk this?” He holds out the bottle of green liquid that Sara gave me. “It’s a simple tonic to help alleviate your symptoms. It won’t kill you,” he says firmly.
    I have a better remedy that will alleviate my symptoms right now, and it is not that tonic Mr Knight .
    “What’s in it?” I utter. 
    I take the bottle, unavoidably gawping at a small section of his skin beneath his V-neck. I take my eyes away, to see his breath-taking lips pout. God, he knows. It’s so obvious, I may as well be stood here with my tongue out.
    “Come Elizabeth, drink your tonic, and I’ll fix you coffee.” He stands, beaming shrewdly, placing his glasses on the desk.
    He waits for me to drink as I swish the fluid around. I don’t want to think this way, but I’m wary of it. His eyes scold, unimpressed. 
    “Here, hand it to me.” He waves his fingers.
    I place the bottle in his hand and his skin brushes mine, delicately. His accidental touch, sends a tidal rush of desire throughout my body.
    “I’ll drink some first, then will you trust it is exactly what I say it is?” I nod, biting my cheek as his thumb glides seductively across my wrist. 
    He unscrews the small cap, and tips a quarter into his mouth. His lips cover the rim in slow-motion; lips that I want on me. I’m incapable of blinking, what I’m seeing cannot be disturbed. Submerged in state of utter need, I imagine him caressing me tenderly with them, like what he’s doing with that bottle right now.
    He hands the tonic to me, glistening wet around the rim. He watches with great interest, as I place it against my bottom lip and pour. It’s quite warm and syrupy. Tastes like Crème de menthe, and coats my throat pleasantly.
    “See, if I wanted to harm you Elizabeth, I’ve had ample opportunity to do so.” He opens the door for me, and I follow him into the living area.
    “Please, sit.” He pulls a chair out from under the excessively big dining table, and goes into the kitchen.

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