Young Women Reform: Novella 1

Read Online Young Women Reform: Novella 1 by Candace Mia - Free Book Online

Book: Young Women Reform: Novella 1 by Candace Mia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Mia
Tags: spanking, sex with younger women, spanking younger women
lowered her panties.
With her bent like this, he could see both her pussy and her
    “No,” she said. “Please. I won’t fight
    “Too later for that,” he said. He then lifted
the dress over the big ass.
    “Don’t spank me,” Resling said. “Please don’t
spank me, Brody.”
    “You shouldn’t have attacked your sister,
then you wouldn’t be getting this spanking.”
    He pulled down her panties. Her cheeks were
so thick that even as bent as she was, he still couldn’t see her
butthole. He could see her bare pussy, though. It was pretty small
relative to her big ass.
    He hit the big ass first, hard, feeling his
hand really sink in, loving the loud smack and intense wiggle he
    Resling cried out.
    He hit the other lobe and she cried a little
    He then stepped over to the smaller ass. He
hit one lobe. She clenched her cheeks and screamed. Then she let go
of her clench, revealing that dark brown butthole again. He loved
that. He hit her again and watched the process repeat.
    He moved back over to Resling who was going,
“No, no, no.”
    He didn’t hit her hard this time. He hit her
rapidly, many times, alternating between cheeks, keeping her ass in
a constant state of wiggle. He probably did this for half a minute,
his cock very tight, before he moved to the smaller ass again.
    And he did hit the smaller ass hard, just to
watch her clench again. Then he hit her clenched ass, just to feel
it in that tightened state, a nice contrast to the other ass.
    He made them stay as they were as he
addressed them. “Now, I want the two of you to get along and I want
your chores completed like Ms. Pennington said. When you’re
finished, we can all play. Do you understand?”
    “Yes sir,” each said.
    “Good. Now I have some things to do
downstairs. You two keep working.”
    He went downstairs. He didn’t know why he
didn’t think he’d have time to edit today. They’d been working when
he got up there. They probably didn’t need constant supervision. He
figured he’d work for a little while and then go check on them. He
started editing. He quickly got lost in the storyline. He didn’t
thin it was long before he caught something in his periphery. He
looked over to see both girls standing in the doorway. They both
had the pleasant but cautious smiles of people about to make a
    “Mr. Wakefield,” Resling said. “We wanted to
talk to you about something.” Her voice was meager.
    He sighed. “I’m working. I don’t like to be
interrupted when I’m working.”
    “It will only take a minute,” Resling
    Penny did nothing but stand there smiling,
looking down at an angle. He was sure he knew what she was trying
to see.
    “Hurry,” he said.
    Resling’s smile widened and she nodded
quickly. “Well. We know that we’re supposed to get our work down
and then play.”
    “Well, you know how we always do better in
our lessons after we, uh, you know?”
    He nodded. “I think you’re onto something. If
I took the time to take care of that, you would probably be more
efficient in getting your chores done.”
    They both nodded as if delighted by what he’d
    “Okay,” he said. “I think we can do that.” He
stood up.
    He should have known what would happen next.
He was rushed. It was just one of the girls, and she was just going
for one part of him.
    He caught her by the shoulders. “Oh no you
    “Don’t,” she said. “Let go of me.” She was
trying to get free from his grip and get to his cock at the same
time. She was so small and week, though.
    “You have to learn that there is more to
messing around than blowing me.”
    Now he got his hands under her arms and
lifted her from the ground. Now she was squirming in the air.
    Resling laughed at this.
    “No,” Penny said. “I just want to suck on
your thing.”
    He sat her on the floor, but pulled up her
dress as he did. He got it over her head and then pulled the
blinded girl

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