Yield to Me

Read Online Yield to Me by Tory Richards - Free Book Online

Book: Yield to Me by Tory Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tory Richards
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Thrillers, Mystery & Detective
desperation he’d
detected in his old friend’s tone had finally worn Brent down. Convincing Brent
that maybe the senator was on to something.
    At that point, Brent had never met
Jonathan Lord, but he’d heard enough about Lord to know he was bad news and not
someone he’d like as a human being. He hadn’t met Sophie either. For some
reasons their paths had never crossed in the years he and the senator had known
each other.
    “I’ll stop by your office tomorrow
at the scheduled time to see what your progress is,” Brent informed him before
hanging up. It was late and he was tired. Tom was in the spare bedroom and that
left him with the sofa.
    He glanced at it skeptically. The
shape of it resembled a square box with a throw tossed over it, looking about
as comfortable as a bed of nails. They hadn’t made a sofa yet that could
accommodate his tall frame, comfortably anyway. He glanced at the bedroom door
wondering how much squealing Sophie would do if he joined her. The bed was big
enough for the two of them. In the end he decided against it. Everything is
peaceful now, why stir things up and risk having security return?
    Besides, he was sure Sophie would
make enough noise to wake the dead if she woke to find him in bed with her.
Checking to make sure her door was locked, he headed
back to the couch, ready for a very uncomfortable night.
    * * * *
    Sophie waited until she was sure
everyone was asleep before carefully trying the connecting bathroom door that
led into the spare bedroom. Her heart was in her throat as she turned the
doorknob and it actually opened. Someone didn’t do their homework. With silent
elation, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room before
    She made out the dark outline of a
dresser in one corner and a bed in the center of the room, squinting until she
recognized the outline of someone sleeping on it. Instincts warned her it was
Tom. Sliding her feet along the plush carpet she quickly made her way to the
door, holding her breath as she opened it and praying it wouldn’t make a noise.
The hinges squeaked slightly but to Sophie they sounded as loud as a gunshot
blast in the room, causing her to freeze in fear. Tom moaned and rolled into a
sitting position, galvanizing her into action. She was in the hallway heading
toward the living room when she heard his voice question groggily, “What? Who’s
    As soon as her gaze landed on the
sofa, Sophie made out Brent’s tall form, realizing he’d been roused by Tom’s
voice. He jumped off the couch just as she dashed by. With a cry of distress,
she ducked beneath his outstretched arm, racing for the front door. Her fingers
fumbled with the various locks. If only she could make it into the hallway.
    The next noise she heard was his low
curse when his leg hit the corner of the coffee table, causing the items on top
of it to topple over and fall to the floor noisily.
    There was nothing like a good dose
of fear to get the adrenaline pumping but instead of aiding her escape, it crippled
her fingers, slowing her down. They were trembling so badly they were useless.
Swearing softly, her lips quivered with frustration and tears filled her eyes. Why is this happening to me?

    Chapter 7

    Brent saved his breath, knowing if
he called out it would fall on deaf ears. He could hear Sophie’s frantic gasps
as she turned the locks one by one, deciding to pick up speed before she
escaped into the hallway. Tom was supposed to check the apartment out and make
sure all the necessary steps were taken to prevent something like this from
happening. He caught up to her just as she turned the doorknob and opened the
door, slamming it shut again just as fast. She spun around with a muffled cry
of alarm.
    Brent leaned in close, sucking in a
harsh breath. “You lied to me, lady,” he accused. Whether her hands fell to his
bare chest automatically or on purpose, he wasn’t taking any chances.

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