Wrong Place: A gripping serial killer crime thriller.

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Book: Wrong Place: A gripping serial killer crime thriller. by M A Comley Read Free Book Online
Authors: M A Comley
her with daft comments, then surely she had every reason to be sardonic with her response.
    They arrived at Mrs. Webster’s semi-detached house on the edge of the countryside, and after Sally introduced herself and her partner, a puzzled-looking Mrs. Webster welcomed them into her home.
    “What can I do for you, Inspector?”
    “I’m sorry, Mrs. Webster. I have some bad news regarding your daughter.”
    “My daughter? Has she done something illegal?” She clutched a hand to her chest, and her face rapidly drained of colour.
    Sally inhaled a large breath. “No. It’s nothing like that… there’s no easy way to say this but tell you outright. Your daughter’s body was found early this morning.”
    “Her… body ?” The woman let out an agonising cry and collapsed on the floor.
    Jack sprang into action, dug out his mobile, and called for an ambulance.
    Sally dropped to the floor alongside Mrs. Webster. She felt the woman’s neck for a pulse but couldn’t find one. Then with her limited first-aid knowledge, she proceeded to carry out CPR. Sally knew her efforts were a waste of time as she saw the woman’s lips turn blue, but still, she pumped away until help showed up. A full ten minutes passed before the paramedics arrived.
    Sally’s hands shook as she relayed what had happened. “I tried my best to save her.”
    The first paramedic knelt beside the woman and tested her neck for a pulse. He looked up at his colleague. “She’s gone.”
    Sally covered her face with her hands and Jack threw a comforting arm around her shoulder. “You did your best, Sally.”
    She shrugged his arm off. “But it wasn’t good enough, was it?”
    “Did she have any health problems, do you know?” the paramedic kneeling next to Mrs. Webster’s body asked.
    “Yes, she was under the doctor. I guess the news I delivered was just too much for her to take.”
    “What news?” the other paramedic asked.
    “I just told her that her daughter’s body was found this morning.”
    “Christ!” the kneeling paramedic said. “Poor woman. The shock must have killed her.”
    Sally and Jack left the house, and Jack lit up a cigarette then forced Sally to take a puff.
    She immediately started choking. “What are you trying to do? Kill me?” she spat at him after recapturing her breath and filling her lungs with some clean air.
    He cringed. “Believe it or not, I was trying to help. Guess I forgot you don’t smoke.”
    “Thanks. If you have any further bright ideas like that, kindly keep them to yourself. My throat feels like I’ve swallowed a cheese grater.”
    “Okay, no need to go on about it, boss. What do we do now?”
    “You mean do we move on from here and see if we can kill another of Maddie’s relatives with the news of both deaths?”
    “I wouldn’t quite put it like that myself, but we’re going to have to break the news of Maddie’s and her mother’s deaths to another member of the family soon, aren’t we? We can’t just walk away as if nothing has happened.”
    Sally pushed herself off the wall she was leaning against and stood within a few inches of her partner. If he’d been a foot shorter, they would have been standing nose to nose. “Thanks, partner. I’m well aware of that. I’m going to contact the station, see if we can find another relative living in the area. In the meantime, we should set off and see if we can pick up any clues at the pub where Maddie worked. The Wellington Arms, wasn’t it?”
    Glancing down at her, he nodded. “Yep. What about the boyfriend?”
    “I’ll get the guys back at the station looking into his background while we’re at the Wellie.”
    They made their way back to the car. Sally shuddered against a sudden breeze that arose just before they settled into the car. She rang the station, issued orders on what she expected from the team to DC Jordan Reid, and told him where they were en route to next. She hung up and stared ahead of her for a second or two.
    Jack nudged

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