
Read Online Wraithsong by E. J. Squires - Free Book Online

Book: Wraithsong by E. J. Squires Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. J. Squires
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Young Adult, Norse, folklore and mythology, huldra
almost make me think that he’s been watching me for a while before
we ever even met. No, that would be too strange and creepy. Anthony
doesn’t seem like a stalker.
    “ Of course I know.
Principal Jenkins shares everything with me.” He looks happy with
himself, as he cracks a smug little smile.
    “ So, is Principal Jenkins
like your puppet now?” I ask.
    “ No, I’d never call him
that.” He laughs. “Maybe a little, but we both benefit from
    Before I can ask him what
he means, my phone buzzes in my purse and I stoop to search for it.
Finding it, I check the screen and see that I missed a call from
Ashley, and that it’s ten minutes until I’m supposed to meet her at
the Mall to get a dress for the prom. Crap! “Well, it’s been a
pleasure, Anthony, but I have another appointment I have to get
to.” I don’t really want to leave, but I’ll be darned if I cancel
an appointment with Ashley for she would never let me forget
    Anthony moves up in front
of me and blocks my way out of the rotunda. My immediately pulse
quickens. I look up into his spellbinding eyes and have to catch my
breath as blood rushes to my head. My stomach flutters like mad and
I really enjoy being this close to him—only a foot away. He takes a
small step toward me and now he’s standing only a few inches away.
I wonder if he feels the electricity between us like I do, but it’s
more than that. The way I feel about him is like the beginning of
an obsession, and I’m not sure whether or not it truly is me, or
even if I like it. It’s almost too intense.
    “ Thanks for coming. I
hope—” He grows serious. “I hope we can be great—” He steps so
close to me that I can feel his breath on my face. I hold my
breath, afraid, no not afraid, only anxious and excited about what
might happen, and though I’m not quite sure what’s happening
between us, I’m acutely aware that every particle in my body
responds to him.
    Then my mind starts racing
when I think about how much I want him, to kiss his lips, to feel
his hands on my body. Would he be worth having around for eternity?
Maybe. No. Absolutely. Something takes over, and it’s not the
rational part of me. The will to put on the brakes is lost in his
eyes, and it’s as if the Huldra in me takes over, preventing me
from having reasonable thoughts. If I leave just a hint of my
saliva on him, he might want me more. It would be wrong, but I
can’t stop myself now—I have to go through with it. I raise myself
up onto my tiptoes and kiss him gently on the cheek, leaving a
trace of wetness. I don’t expect him to react the way he does, but
I can tell from his reaction that he definitely likes the kiss—a
lot. He swings me around, pushes me up against the wall by my
shoulders, locking me immobile, and stares into my eyes. My heart
is pounding in my chest and I want him to kiss me on the lips, but
instead, he leans down and kisses my collarbone. Then he kisses a
trail up my neck and I lift my chin to give him space. I moan. His
eyes fall upon my lips and then his fingers press against them. His
breath is shallow, his lips parted, his eyes—hungry.
    Releasing my shoulder and
lips, he grabs my hips and presses them back and up against the
wall. Then his hands continue around to my back and for a moment he
hesitates, and doesn’t seem certain about what to do.
    He pulls back, looks at me
and then looks away. “I’m sorry, I…I don’t know what came over me,”
he says and picks up the scroll on the table. “Here, I’ll walk you
downstairs.” He stands to the side, waiting for me to
    I feel excited,
disappointed, shocked even, but something has awakened in me that
I’ve never felt before, and I absolutely love it.

Chapter 7
    I see Ashley in the
distance, standing outside of a department store, talking on her
phone. Once I arrive, she hangs up and we hug.
    “ So, how was your lunch
date?” she asks. We head into the

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