Shadow hadn’t noticed before. There, False Cape Frank dropped to his knees, removed his pack and rummaged inside. He removed several rounded white objects from the bag and put them at the base of the grave marker. The old-timer’s hands concealed the items from Shadow’s view. Animal skulls perhaps? Did this old man have something to do with those grisly ornaments on the wall?
    Frank carefully arranged the objects in front of the tombstone, then stood. He bowed his head and apparently spent a minute in prayer. Abruptly, he raised his head and looked directly at Shadow, crouching behind the bushes.
    “You going to skulk there all day, youngster?” he called. “People don’t generally hide in the woods when they meet other people around here. Sort of makes the party of the second part distrustful of the party of the first part, if you get my drift.”
    Abashed, Shadow emerged from cover and walked toward the old man. He was uneasy—embarrassed, actually—realizing he had acted like a fool. Rangers didn’t lurk in the bushes and spy on park visitors.
    “Sorry,” he said awkwardly. “I didn’t know who was coming and I wanted to find out who has been putting those skulls on the foundation.”
    “You’re the new ranger,” the old man said, as though it was a secret they shared. “I’ve seen you around.”
    “Shadow Fletcher.” Shadow extended his right hand.
    The man ignored it, looking at him closely. “You some sort of Pakistani or something? It’d be just like the damned gub’mint to send in a foreigner.” He turned his head aside and spat.
    Shadow ignored the gibe. He wasn’t about to explain who he was to this old geezer. Besides, he was a little taken aback by the odor propelled into his face by the snort—oily and somewhat like the fishy smell of really cheap paint. Sardines!
    One of Shadow’s aunts had loved eating them. He had dreaded sitting near her in church, knowing he would have to endure her breath later, when she kissed his cheek in goodbye. How had her husband been able to stand it? Even her farts had smelled like sardines, as he had discovered by standing behind her at an outdoor service for well over an hour. Shadow hated sardines.
    “Commonwealth keeps sending them in here what don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.” The white-beard continued his rant. “Never saw one hide in the bushes like a nosy blue jay before, though, and I’ve been traipsin’ these parts since I was a boy.”
    “I said I’m sorry, sir.” Shadow was unsure how to address the man, since he hadn’t introduced himself. “There’ve been some odd things happening in the park lately and I had no idea who was coming down the path. I’m looking for a woman. Young. Blonde. Have you seen anyone like that?”
    “There’s a girl missing, hah? You’re damned right there’s been some strange things happening,” Frank said. “Those two girls being killed and now you’re looking for another one.”
    “What do you know about it?”
    “Just what my eyes have told me, Blue Jay. You’re sneaking around in the bushes; the other rangers are searchin’ all over the park. Police helicopter been flying over all day and there’s been something skulking around the park the last few weeks. Vile, it is—up to no good. Add it together and you’re not going to find that girl, not alive anyways. All part of the same skullduggery. Something is out for blood at False Cape.”
    “So, what’s up with this mysterious evil presence, in your humble opinion?” Shadow regretted his flippant tone the moment he uttered the words.
    False Cape Frank’s eyes flashed. “What’s going on, Mister Blue Jay, is that this land and the spirits of the folks what used to live here are fed up with the way you rangers are bringing city-folk in here to spoil nature. I saw you headed this way and followed you here to talk to you. Thought you might be different since you seem to be at peace with the land, but maybe I was

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