Wolf's Obsession

Read Online Wolf's Obsession by Charisma Knight - Free Book Online

Book: Wolf's Obsession by Charisma Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charisma Knight
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shifting alternately between humanoid and wolf form.
Eventually they shifted into human, still lying in one another's arms. Lying on
her side, Melanie scooted as close as possible against her mate, growling as Thorne
lightly stroked the small of her back. She ran her palms against his bronzed skin,
feeling his cock growing into steel once again, totally aware of what her father
told them before he retired to his vampiric sleep. Giggling, Melanie nipped Thorne's
nipple, causing a growl to escape his lips.
    * * * * * * *
    “So, Thorne never said where he was going?” Storm Cloudfeather asked Ronnie Redhawke
as he sunk into the black leather chair. “I love my little brother, but he's become
quite the pain in my fucking ass!” Storm snorted. Storm, a larger version of Thorne
had long black hair to the middle of his back. His yellowish orange eyes glowed
with fury as he imagined putting a foot up his brother's ass.
    “I don't know where he went, but I can tell you wherever he went, he was seeking
his mate.” Ronnie sighed. “Storm, that looks pretty damn nasty, you'd better have
Hawk take a look at that,” Ronnie said wrinkling his face as the gauze on Storm's
forearm soaked through with blood. Earlier last night, the two members of The Black
Claws rumbled with what was left of Raphael's clan.
    “I swear, if I turn into a fucking vampire, I'll skin Thorne's ass alive.” Storm
cursed. “I'm way ahead of you brother, Hawk has already looked at it. It should
be fine. He said a few chants, and blew smoke on my arm, and all should be well.”
    “Storm, stop your negative talk about our old ways.” Ronnie warned. “Why do you
think our clan is teetering on the brink of extinction, as we were centuries ago?”
the tall, thinner man spoke. Ronnie desperately clung to his Chippewa heritage.
It gave him faith each time he came into contact with Raphael's clan.
    “Don't lecture me Ronnie,” Storm said through gritted teeth. “I need to rest, then
I'll track my brother. Our clan is teetering on the brink of extinction, because,
according to the Old Ones; Wendigos, our ancestors were cannibals who ate their
fucking women and children! Our clan came pretty damn close to extinction back then,
remember?” Storm raised a dark eyebrow at his long time clan member.
    “I don't know. That was a long fucking time ago man. Wendigos and werewolf history
aren't exactly in the history books, you know?” Ronnie laughed.
    “Thorne's in danger Ronnie, I can sense it. He and his mate are both in danger!”
Storm Cloudfeather groaned, holding his head in the palm of his hand.
    * * * * * * *
    Raphael and Danoir walked through the wretched alley in the lower West Side on the
outskirts of Donovan's town. Vampires and werewolves from Donovan's clan had ran
Raphael and his small clan out of their city, infuriating him to no end. Unfortunately,
Raphael's diabolical mind discovered many new ways of sexually manipulating Melanie,
while bringing cruel calloused vengeance against Donovan and Thorne all in one felt
    “Where the fuck is he?” Raphael hissed. “He said he'd meet us at this time!” Raphael,
in a fit of anger punched the side of the large green dumpster, leaving a dent bigger
than the size of his fist.
    “Calm yourself vampire,” Kyle Sway, the hunter said as he coolly strolled down the
alley towards the two vampires. “Don't you know the meaning of the word patience?”
The hunter chuckled, dropping the heavy duffle bag down next to him.
    “Well, it's a bout fucking time!” Raphael hissed, approaching the man.
    “Whoa, hold up there bloodsucker!” Kyle demanded, pulling a small crossbow out of
the bag. “I don't fucking trust you! Now how do we get our hands on the hybrid?”
Kyle demanded.
    “Quite easily,” Raphael growled deeply. You see, I was in her head the first time
I met her. If it weren't for Thorne, she would have been mine that night. But that
was before I knew she had fucking wolf in her!” Raphael spat

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