Wolf's Capture

Read Online Wolf's Capture by Eve Langlais - Free Book Online

Book: Wolf's Capture by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Military, Wolf, capture, Werewolf, Alpha, Abduction, seduction, shapeshifter, soldier, male, lycan
inches from the bars.
    “Move back, dog,” said the tall, skinny one, his usual sneer stretching his thin lips.
    “And if I don’t?” Still belligerent.
    Layla held in a sigh as Brody was sent to his knees, his collar activated, long enough for the guard to shove the MRE rations through the bars.
    The silver foil packet didn’t excite her. She now knew why astronauts were so skinny. Their food sucked.
    As she ate the uninspiring mash of fake eggs, chunks of simulated bacon, and other factory-created ingredients thrown together to make an unappetizing scrambled mess, she noted Brody didn’t bother with his. He seemed more intent on other things this morning.
    With his broad back turned—displaying even more of his muscular upper body—he paced the outline of the cage, examining it from the floor where the bars sank in to cement to the ceiling where those same bars were welded across the top. An escape-proof prison.
    And home sweet home.
    “You can’t get out,” she stated.
    He didn’t bother to turn to face her as he replied. “Perhaps you can’t. But every prison has a flaw. It’s just a matter of finding it.”
    “You speak from experience?”
    “I do actually.” He peered over his shoulder at her from his crouched position by the sink. Hair flopped over his brow while more of it stuck out wildly, mussed and beckoning fingers to comb through it. So sexy.
    She diverted her thoughts with another mouthful of icky mush. When he didn’t elaborate on his experience, she asked, “Why were you in prison?”
    “Wrong place. Wrong time. Happens a lot in my line of work.”
    “Did you escape, or were you rescued?”
    “Most of the time I escaped. Usually within days or weeks. There was only one prison that took me a while. My captor in that case was real good at keeping my kind chained. But in the end, he couldn’t hold me, or my brothers.”
    “Your whole family was there?”
    “Military brothers is what I should have said. I consider them family. Once you’ve stared down death with a guy, then charged at it snarling, you kind of forge a bond. That type of thing sticks with you. It’s a thing that goes beyond friendship.”
    “I wouldn’t know. I’m always alone.”
    The conversation veered uncomfortably close to a place she preferred not to visit. In order to remain positive and strong, there were certain emotions she preferred not to examine too closely. Loneliness was one of them. She yanked the direction of their conversation back to what he was doing, which was lifting her bedding as she washed her hands at the sink. He checked the floor beneath it.
    “It’s all concrete. No hidden trap doors. I told you, I’ve looked and found nothing. But if you want to waste some time, suit yourself,” she said as she dried her hands on her gown.
    No reply as he finished his examination of the cell. He also ignored her, not once glancing her way, which for some reason needled.
    I should be happy he’s ignoring me. After all, she didn’t want to have to fend against any advances, or have him accuse her of working voluntarily for the master.
    So ignoring was good.
    No, it’s not. She’d not had this much interaction with someone in ages.
    He spun suddenly and, brows drawn, asked, “How come you can’t order the guards to let you go? Because, let’s be honest here, Joe Seal and Tom Walrus aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. You said your power works in extreme situations against the weak. Wouldn’t this count?”
    If the situation were less serious, she might have giggled at his names of the morning shift guards. “It’s not life or death. So no. It doesn’t. And when I manage to convince one to help me out of the goodness of their heart, they end up dying.”
    “Dying how?”
    She wrinkled her nose. “It’s kind of gruesome. They all carry around some kind of poison in their tooth. Somehow, I don’t know how, as soon as they so much as think of releasing me, crunch, they pop

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