
Read Online WitchofArundaleHall by Jennifer Leeland - Free Book Online

Book: WitchofArundaleHall by Jennifer Leeland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Leeland
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you that I am being
reticent compared to what is said in general.”
    Sarah clenched her hands together and stared at them in her
lap. Perry felt helpless against this tide of antagonism, which was now
directed toward her but was his to own.
    “Perhaps you have not heard,” he said harshly, his gaze
narrowed on Lady Mary’s face. “We are man and wife. That is all the ton
requires for respectability.” He opened his mouth to say more, something that
would end the conversation once and for all. Instead he remembered this woman
as she had been—a young girl who had been humiliated by a cad. “I am sorry,
Lady Mary, that I was a brute to you in the past. That is all I can offer. My
wife is a woman deserving of your good opinion, the daughter of a gentleman and
from a good family. I am well aware that I am the one with whom you have a
quarrel. Perhaps my absence will remedy the situation. If you will excuse me.” Perhaps
if he left, Sarah would not be subject to such animosity.
    As he strode toward the door, Mary’s voice halted him. “Wait.”
    He turned back and Mary stared at the gloves in her hands. “I
thank you for your apology, Perry. I will not deny that I came here to seek
restitution.” Her gaze met his.
    He bowed and opened the door. “I hope that I have, for once,
provided you satisfaction.”
    The woman shot a glance at Sarah then back to Perry’s face. “You
once told me that a woman who threw herself at you held no attraction for you. At
the time I believed you were criticizing me. But you weren’t, were you?” Mary’s
head tilted, her expression one of curiosity.
    “No,” he said. “Though I will admit I hoped my words would
hurt you. I believed a woman interested in me was a fool. That I am married to
Lady Sarah is due to luck, not merit.” When he met Mary’s gaze he twisted his
lips into a smile.
    She studied him seriously. “I find that I am getting no
enjoyment from watching you in pain, Perry. I find it only makes me pity you
both.” Sincerity rang in her tone. No, she had not been entirely comfortable in
the role of vengeful woman. But he had been particularly cruel in his dealings
with her.
    It took effort but he forced another smile. “Clearly a woman
deeply in love. I can only say that your husband is known to me and you are a
very lucky woman. You deserve every good thing, Mary, and I wish them all for
    She held out her hand. “I forgive you, Perry. I do most
    As it was much more than he deserved he accepted her hand
and squeezed it. “Thank you, Lady Bastworth.”
    The woman turned to Sarah and pulled on her gloves. “I was
mistaken about you, Lady Sarah. I can see that. I can see that with you Mr.
Arundale is much improved. You are a better woman than I.”
    Sarah rose and curtsied. “Thank you, Lady Mary.”
    When Lady Mary was gone Sarah would not meet his gaze. “I
will make sure there will be no more callers.”
    Perry nodded and went to the window to stare at the London
street below. He had hoped to avoid these collisions with his past but he
supposed they were inevitable. No wonder Sarah wanted nothing to do with him. His
past was a strike against him.
    “The luncheon is tomorrow at one,” she said as she returned
to the drawing room.
    He could not bear to look at her. “I shall be ready.” Lady
Bastworth was a reminder. He did not deserve love, so he received none. He had
done his duty and married the woman he had ruined. That he loved her was of no
    “Lady North will be there.” Sarah’s voice was small.
    “We can deal with her.” Perry didn’t think there was
anything his grandmother could say that she hadn’t said in his head a thousand
    “She is vicious when angered,” Sarah said, and the rustle of
her skirt revealed that she had moved closer to him. “You should let me handle
    “No.” There was no other answer. Sarah had never been Lady
North’s target. Perry of all people was aware of what the

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