Wishful Kisses: A Fountain of Love Novella

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Book: Wishful Kisses: A Fountain of Love Novella by Krista Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Lakes
Houston, miss," the taxi cab driver said, slowing to a stop in front of an impressive looking gate. I could see a guard in the booth checking I.D.s. I took a shaky breath. Now that I was actually here, actually about to go see Tony and tell him I was from the future, I was nervous.
    I had hopped on the first flight I could find. It was actually rather nice traveling by plane pre-9/11. I was able to bring a bottle of water and I didn't have to take off my shoes in security. Some things really were better in this simpler time , I had thought to myself.
    I handed the driver his fare and opened the car door. The sweltering heat of Texas in August hit me like a fist in the face. I grabbed my backpack filled with all the clothes I could stuff in it. I had everything with me that I would need to disappear. I just hoped that, after tomorrow, I would need it.
    The cab drove off in a cloud of dust and smoke as I walked up to the gate and presented my drivers license to the gate guard. He looked at it and wrote my name down on the visitor's log.
    "What are you going to be doing here on base, miss?" the guard asked, handing me back my ID.
    "I'm here to see a soldier. Sergeant Anthony Frontera." I put the card back in my pocket. "Do you know where I might find him?"
    "What unit is he a part of?"
    "The 101 st Airborne Division." I smiled my best flirtatious smile and was rewarded with a smile from the guard.
    "There's a lot of guys from the one-oh-one here, miss, but I think I've seen this guy. Jet black hair, really buff?"
    "That's the one," I confirmed.
    He laughed. "Lucky guy, that one. They're in building 2B." He leaned out of his booth and pointed. "Go left at the sign, and you can't miss it. If you hurry, you just might catch them getting back from lunch."
    "Thank you so much," I replied and resettled the bag on my shoulders. I could feel his eyes on my backside as I walked away, but I didn't care. It had been a long time since someone that young had checked out my behind, but I had no time to show off. I was on base and on my way to save Tony.
    The building was right where the guard had said it would be. I stood in front of the sand-colored building and bit my lip. Soldiers in uniform hurried between the buildings trying to stay out of the heat. Now that I was actually here, I was nervous. My palms were dripping with sweat and it wasn't just from the heat. My stomach was threatening to be sick with all the butterflies dancing around inside of me. I swallowed hard, forcing my stomach to behave. This was my last chance.
    "Kimberly?" A voice called out from my side. I turned to see Tony making his way up the sidewalk. He looked so handsome in his uniform. Dean and Matt were with him.
    "Hi," I said, giving them a timid wave hello. I was shaking with nerves now. "Can I talk to you?"
    "Yeah, sure," Tony said with a grin. His eyes were bright with excitement at seeing me. I took it as a good sign. I must not have screwed up the timeline too badly if he was still happy to see me. "Can we do it inside? I'm dying out here."
    I nodded. Tony put his hand on my back to guide me inside the door. His fingertips seemed to send electricity down my spine, and I shivered with delight. Dean held open the door for us all to walk inside. The air conditioning hit me like a gift from God. I wiped my hands on my shorts, trying to rub away my nervousness. If I didn't do this right, I could lose him.
    "I'll see you guys upstairs," Tony told Dean and Matt. They nodded and gave me a wave as they went up the stairs to wherever they were going. I watched them leave us in the empty entrance. I was glad there weren't other people around. This was going to be weird enough without an audience.
    I turned back to face Tony and was happily surprised when he kissed me. I relaxed into his kiss, letting my body respond to his touch. He felt so good, so strong, and so wonderful. I could taste the salty sweat from being outside, and I loved it. He tasted real. Alive.

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