Winter Whirlwind

Read Online Winter Whirlwind by Amy Sparling - Free Book Online

Book: Winter Whirlwind by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
Tags: Contemporary Romance, Young Adult, Summer Unplugged
so right. “Do you think Park can handle the place without us?” I ask.
    He shrugs and takes another sip from his beer. “Only one way to find out.”
    “So, March first,” I say, dropping onto my side of the bed. A giddy feeling rushes through me as I look over the booking papers I just printed out. “We’re totally going to Jamaica. I can’t believe this.”
    “Believe it,” Jace says. “I can’t believe it only takes twenty minutes to book a two-week trip to another country. When my baby knows what she wants, she definitely knows how to get it.”
    “Yup,” I say, sticking out my tongue. After we’d eaten and put Jett to bed, Jace and I got online and ordered a reservation to the beautiful island resort. It’s an all-inclusive trip and it’s all booked and waiting for us to show up. I can’t freaking wait. I’m going to look so hot in a bikini this year.
    He stands in the closet doorway, wearing nothing but a pair of dark blue boxers. He towels off his short hair and grins at me. I could watch him dry off for hours, if only it took that long. I love the look of his biceps going taunt as he moves the towel around his head. There’s something incredibly sexy about a guy getting out of the shower.
    Or maybe that’s just Jace. Everything is sexy about him.
    “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he says as he walks back to the bathroom to hang up his towel.
    “Oh yeah?” I sit up in bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. Something in the way he says it makes my stomach hurt. Things were going so well lately—I don’t really want to talk about anything serious right now.
    As if sensing my trepidation, Jace’s features soften. “It’s nothing bad.” He moves closer to the bed and then sits next to me. “I never got a chance to comment on that picture you emailed me.”
    “Oh, Jace. We’re past this,” I say with a groan. Things are finally back to normal and the last thing I want to talk about is that stupid naked picture incident.
    “No, I meant the picture itself.” He runs a hand through his hair and then turns to me, giving me a sultry gaze. “It was really sexy.”
    I give him a sheepish grin, but it’s hard to be happy about it when the topic is still such a fresh wound to my spirit. “I’m glad you liked it,” I say, staring at my hands. “I took a few more but now I’m too scared to send them.”
    “It would have been a nice surprise, had I actually gotten the email.”
    I nod, still unable to meet his eyes. When I think about the picture I think about seeing it on that stupid website. The scent of Jace’s body wash overwhelms me as he inches closer to me on the bed, his knees touching mine as we face each other. He reaches for my hands, pulls them out of my lap and into his lap.
    “I love you,” he says in a sing song.
    I meet his gaze and his eyes are twinkling. “I’m sorry about everything that happened. You can’t let it break you.”
    “I’m not,” I say, squeezing his hands. “I’d just rather not talk about it. It’s behind me and I’d rather never think about it again.”
    “Yeah, that’s why I haven’t brought it up. Talking about that picture makes us think of the . . . event . . . surrounding it. But I just wanted to say that I have the hottest wife on earth and I am so lucky.”
    He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. It makes me laugh and then that makes him laugh. He leans in and wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me in for a hug. “I love you so much.”
    “I love you, too, you dork.”
    He runs a band through my hair and gazes down at me. “Dorky or not, I mean it. I love you so much, Bay. More than anyone has ever loved anyone.”
    “You seem pretty confident in that,” I tease, running my fingers down his bare chest.
    “It’s easy to be confident when you’re right.” When he brushes his lips against my neck I close my eyes and let the sensation take over all of my nerve endings.
    “You are my

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