Wings of the Raven

Read Online Wings of the Raven by Cindy Spencer Pape - Free Book Online

Book: Wings of the Raven by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
Tags: Romance
heal the worst of it now,” Hope warned. “Once he’s stable, I’ll go take care of Nick. Then I can heal them bit by bit until they’re well.”
    We all nodded and I bit back a sob. Hope sat next to Will’s battered form and took his hand in hers. Then she closed her eyes. A soft amber glow seemed to surround both of them, and though I couldn’t see any change in the external injuries, I saw Will’s breathing ease and a little colour came back into his face as the bleeding slowed, then stopped.
    “Okay. He shouldn’t wake up, and don’t try. I’ve fixed his broken ribs and the punctured lung, then helped kick start the production of new blood. That’s going to have to do for now.” I could see the exhaustion lining her face. She looked at Hannah. “Meanwhile, if one of you wants to change the sheets and clean his back, that would help. Then you might want to clean those cuts on your husband’s face. Down here, even minor wounds get infected awfully fast.”
    Evan stepped over to the bed and helped her rise. “They’ll heal as soon as I get a minute to shift. Don’t worry about me.”
    Vaughn walked her out of the room, while Evan and Hannah made short work of washing and bandaging Will’s wounds. They changed the sheets on the far side of the bed, shifted him to the clean one, then changed the other side. Fortunately, there was a plastic mattress cover underneath, so the mattress wasn’t ruined. They wiped that clean as well. I was impressed, even though I wished they’d let me help. As soon as they were done, I immediately moved over to the empty chair beside the bed.
    Not wanting to risk waking Will, I didn’t touch him, but I lay my hand on the covers just an inch or so from his. Evan kissed Hannah on the cheek, said he’d be right back, and slipped out as well.
    “So does he know about the baby?” Hannah stood next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.
    I nodded. “He was happy about it, I think. Before he sent me for help, he said to tell everyone we were engaged.”
    “I imagine so,” Hannah had that same wry grin as her brother. Seeing it, I blinked back tears. “Though having the Maddox boys beat him up seems kind of redundant right now.”
    I nodded again, barely looking up when Vaughn and Evan slipped back into the room.
    “How about you, shrimp? You doing all right?” Vaughn finally said. “What’s-her-name said you would be, but it was harder than hell to ride out of here before you came around.”
    “I’m fine,” I assured him. “We’re fine.”
    “Oh, hell.” Vaughn shook his head, his black hair tumbling around his shoulders. “I still don’t even want to contemplate that. I mean we all knew you two had something going—”
    “You did?” I should have known we couldn’t keep it a secret in a family of psychics and men who used scent as a targeting sense.
    “Yeah,” Hannah agreed. “Ever since the wedding, the tension between you two has been different.”
    “I’m not going to even ask why you got involved in an operation, given the circumstances,” Evan growled. “But it looks like Guardian now has a full-time profiler who isn’t allowed out of the office.”
    “Yeah.” I didn’t care about any of that, as long as Will survived.
    His hand shifted, touching mine. When his fingers curled around mine, I let them, grateful for both the touch and that one small sign of life.
    I don’t know how long passed. Charlie and the other men returned and filled everyone in on the arrest of the three kingpins. Someone stuck a bottle of water in my hand and I drank it. Vaughn, Evan, and Hannah moved in and out of the room, and at one point, Hope stepped in and made me eat a bowl of posole , a thick soup with shredded pork, beans, and hominy, along with a couple fresh tortillas. She checked Will again, and I saw some of his wounds actually close under her fingertips. By the time she was done, he was still pretty messed up, but it was all on the surface.

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