Winged Raiders of the Desert

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Book: Winged Raiders of the Desert by Gilbert L. Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert L. Morris
it.” He shrugged. “When you see a snake, you do all you can to keep it from biting somebody. Then you kill it.”
    â€œI could never have done that.” There was an almost pathetic look on the beautiful face of the young woman. She said, “You're different from us, Garfield. Most of my people would not have done that. My father would. Maybe a few more.”
    Jake said suddenly, “I think it's because I serve Goél.”
    â€œWho is Goél? I've heard of him, but I know nothing of him.”
    Jake thought of the plot he had overheard on the rocks and thought, I'd better begin making some converts to Goél's way or we're all goners. Aloud he said, “Goel is good. There's a dark power that lives in Nuworld. There are cruel people who would hurt others. Goel would have everyone to be kind and generous—as you've been to me lately,” he concluded suddenly.
    Lareen flushed but continued to ask questions about Goél.
    Jake answered them, then asked cautiously, “Have you ever heard of the Shadow Wings?”
    Lareen gave him a startled look, “Yes. They're a small tribe that lives far away. They have been here several times.”
    â€œYour people don't get along with the Shadow Wings?”
    â€œSome do.” Lareen nodded slowly. “But my father thinks it would be foolish to make an alliance with them.He has spoken with Chief White Storm about this many times.”
    â€œBut Darkwind doesn't agree, does he?”
    â€œHow do you know that?”
    Jake shrugged. “Oh, just a guess.” He hesitated, then said, “I hope your father and the chief don't get involved with these Shadow Wings. They're not like your people, not if they're the servants of the Dark Lord.”
    For a long time the two sat there talking, and finally Lareen rose. She put out her hand, and impulsively Jake took it. “You saved my life, Garfield,” she said. “I will never forget. Can I do anything for you?”
    Jake grinned crookedly at her. “Well, one thing. Please don't hit me with that stick again!”

A New Chance
    F or two more days Jake found himself practically an invalid. The venom of the serpent had been worse than he had imagined, and he was so weak that he could barely feed himself. Lareen kept close watch over him, and her father, Sure Flight, stopped by from time to time to inquire in a kindly fashion about his condition.
    On the third day, Jake managed to get to his feet and take a few tottering steps. He was dizzy, and his legs felt as though they were made out of rubber. Just as he was about to make his way back to his bed, a young man came through the cave opening and startled him.
    â€œWho are you? ” the young man demanded. He was no more than seventeen or so, trim and wearing the wings of a raider. His eyes were dark, as was his hair, and there was a look of authority about him.
    â€œMy name's Jake Garfield. Who are you? ”
    The question seemed to irritate the young man, but he answered, “I am Swiftwind, son of Chief White Storm.” He examined Jake with a rather suspicious glance, then demanded, “Where is Lareen?”
    Jake's legs were getting even more shaky, and his dizziness increased. “I don't know where she is,” he muttered.
    The young man called Swiftwind seemed to take his mutter as an insult. He reached out and struck Jake across the chest. Ordinarily the blow would not have disturbed Jake, but in his weakness it was enough to drive him backward. He sprawled on the hard stone floor, and his head rapped the surface. It sent stars flashing across his eyes,and for one moment he seemed to lose consciousness. When he awoke, it was only a few moments later, but he heard voices and felt hands on his head.
    â€œWho do you think you are?”
    Jake opened his eyes and saw Lareen, bending over him and holding his head off the floor. She was glaring at the young man Swiftwind and proceeded to give him a

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