Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe
Athena's friends I placed a 'fake' order in his logs for two 'movie bots,' so he would have an explanation for later. Time for all my hard work to come to fruition.
    The cameras in the park showed a good turnout for tonight's show. It was one of the mecha mania movies from the 1980s. People in robot suits terrorizing the public. Perfect for what I had planned. At the peak of the show when the on-screen mecha's attacked my two red and blue monsters came creaking out of the darkness. Staggering and weaving back and forth the two robots had the reverse reaction by the crowd. Instead of running in terror or hiding, the people clapped and laughed. They thought that this was some kind of publicity stunt! How is that fun? I wanted terror. I wanted panic. I wanted fun but it was supposed to be for me!
    As I watched, the humans pointing and clapping held up their small children so they too could see the robots. OK, sure, why not? I sent new commands. The two drones began to do a short dance across the park before staggering out on their way back to the warehouse. The crowds all saw the signs and later congratulated a bewildered Sam on his stunt. My fun day was not a complete loss. The signals I had been sending caused all the slot machines in the Casinos to all pay out at the same time. It caused a riot that station security had to put down with stunners and tear gas.
    So I did all that work, but missed out on the fun. I did make some children's night with real 'live' robots. And while no humans were fleeing before me, I did cause a riot. This year was still young. Maybe I can still cause more trouble in it.

    Farmer Wilson
    by T S Paul

    This story takes place between Revolutionary and Insurrection. Some spoilers are revealed. Athena Lee is at home and Wilson is bored, again. The family home is partly automated with programmable tractors and other farm machinery. Guess what happens…
    Funerals just suck. This planet has had a bunch of them over the past few weeks. The largest one, taking place today in what is now the new National Honor Cemetery. On this planet the concept of rebirth and reincarnation is very popular. The idea that the body is just a shell that holds the soul is the prevalent theory. I really wouldn't know about that at all, not being a biped. Or even breathing. My best friend and big sister, Athena Lee likes to say that "only the gods really know what happens to us. Destiny is set in stone, you can hide in a hole somewhere, but it will still come and bite you in the ass!" Smart girl that Athena.
    Almost all the Martyrs of the Revolution were to be buried today, including Athena's brother David and his wife. David had been hailed as a National Hero for his efforts to try to save a group of children. The horrific scene had been broadcast across the galaxy by me as we tried to stop former Governor Norton from locking down the communication system. The Farmers Union Day massacre, as it was being called, broadcast in-living-color the brutality of a Sector Governor out of control. That event kicked off a revolution that repercussions of will be felt for many years.
    The turnout for this funeral is enormous. Checking the site from space, I could see what appeared to be over 100,000 in attendance. Athena Lee and her family were seated on the speaker's platform along with many Ambassadors from neighboring systems. The speeches were long and there was much in the way or both celebration and lamentation. One phrase stuck with me, I can play the whole thing over and over but I'm not that kind of AI.
    "We will carry the memories of our dead as we walk through the blood of our enemies!" To say that this planet and its people were just angry is an understatement. They were furious. Enlistment was way up as men and women flocked to the recruiting stations. The planet was preparing for war! For the humans that is all well and good. For me? Not

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