Wild Ride: BBW Western Romance (Under Open Skies Saga Book 2)

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Book: Wild Ride: BBW Western Romance (Under Open Skies Saga Book 2) by Kaylee Song Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaylee Song
back to my car? She asked as she pushed herself away from him.
    “I’ d prefer you stay. Bu t… anything that you want, Kat. Anything at all . ”
    Hunter pulled back into the parking lot next to her car. All but a few cars had vacated the field turned parking lot. Only a couple remained scattered here and there. No doubt they belonged to people who either got a ride to someone els e’ s place or needed a ride because they got smashed.
    The tall, handsome man kissed her again and got out of the truck, his arms wrapped around her as she slid her body down his. Until her feet touched the gravel on the ground. Quite the gentleman, Hunter closed the door behind her. No sooner had he done so he was pressing her up against that very door, kissing her neck and threading his fingers through her free-flowing locks.
    She pushed him back, the heel of her hand firm on his shoulder. He acquiesced easily, stepping back, giving her ample space. She liked that he was a man who respected consent. In fact, it turned her on. She could feel the stirrings of the apex between her legs, yet again, because of this man.
    “ Come home with me, Kat . ”
    “ Not tonight .” She smiled as she got in the car, fully aware of the way he looked at her as she drove away.
    Kat pushed through the door of her fathe r’ s office and walked in, her head held high. She finally felt settled in, hell, she even looked the part. Corporate dress would n’ t fly here the way it did for most people who owned a million dollar business. She looked every bit her old ma n’ s daughter in a blue flannel top tucked into her tight fitting jeans and a pair of cowboy boots on. Perfect for a half day. Or any day as far as she was concerned. It was time to take on more responsibilities than just recruiting. It was time to take over the business.
    “ Ms. Brooks! How nice to see you! Would you like a … ” Jenny Nichols walked towards her, her tanned body and bright white smile an antithesis to Ka t’ s own seething mood.
    Kat held up her hand and kept going.
    She had spent her night last night looking over all available digitalized financial records. Someone was siphoning money out of her company and into their own pockets. And they were doing it poorly. At first it looked like everything was in order, but upon closer inspection she could see areas where funds were mismanaged, incorrectly reported, and where profit margins fell short. Resulting in a cut in a pay and less funding for the employees. She spent most of the early morning at home, scanning the files that were in her compan y’ s data banks online.
    Why had n’ t Hank told her about this? From what she could gather the situation was not dire, but there certainly had to be an investigation under way. Or at least there should have been. Kat walked right into Han k’ s small office and threw a small folder filled with her findings before him.
    “ What the hell is going on ?” she demanded, glaring at him.
    “ What do you mean ?” He said as he opened the folder and searched through the books. His lips pursed together after he saw her detailed notes and highlighted findings.
    “ You should have brought this to my attention. The fact that you did n’ t makes you seem pretty damn suspect .” She tried to look as adult as she wanted to feel, but this was the man who bounced her on his knee when she was a little girl. She knew that her nose was scrunched and her cheeks were red, she could feel the heat blazing through them. Just like when she used to have tantrums.
    “ Yo u’ re right, but I was n’ t sure you would give a shit .” He looked up at her, a little smile on his face. He thought it was a tantrum, alright.
    “ Excuse me ? ”
    “ Yo u’ ve been vacant for months, Kat. Not even coming into the office. Doing it all on the phone, telling me t o‘ handl e’ it. I figured this was just one more thing for me to handle. I made a promise to

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