Wild Honey

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Book: Wild Honey by Terri Farley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Farley
and a piece of cake! He is the nicest horse. And fast? Well I should say so.”
    Jake clasped his hands together and let them hang in front of him, forcing himself to be patient.
    â€œAnd let’s see,” Mrs. Allen said, finally, “the sheriff told me Katie Sterling and Mr. Martinez are on the posse, so they’ll bring Tinkerbell and Teddy Bear, but I don’t know who all else. I guess I should have asked.”
    Jake brushed aside Mrs. Allen’s concern. “You’ll need more than two,” he said, then he looked at Sam. “How ’bout you get Jen and I’ll call Darrell, and in the meantime, you phone Sheriff Ballard and see if you can ride Ace during the training.”
    â€œJake, that’s really nice, but what about you andWitch? Or Jen and Silly?” Sam couldn’t help thinking her friends would have fun riding in the class, too.
    â€œBecause of all that tracking I do,” Jake said, shrugging, “Witch is pretty much okay. And Jen’s horse is parade trained.”
    â€œGreat,” Sam said, amazed that Jake had jumped into the planning so wholeheartedly.
    â€œJake, I’m surprised you’re not on the posse,” Mrs. Allen said.
    Jake looked down. Sam couldn’t read his expression.
    â€œHe calls me for tracking, sometimes,” Jake said, and Sam could almost read his mind. Although Jake loved tracking and was considered a local expert, he was working hard to earn college scholarships. Jake was always good at putting what was most important, first.
    â€œWell, then, that explains it,” Mrs. Allen said. “I guess I should get started on this truly bizarre shopping list. Oh! But what about your horse?”
    Sam knew Mrs. Allen wasn’t talking about Ace or the Phantom, but something about the question stirred up a vague worry.
    â€œThe palomino?” Sam asked, stalling.
    â€œYes, dear,” Mrs. Allen said.
    â€œI’ll just stay with her for a while before I ride home. Then tomorrow, when I come back for the desensitization thing, I’ll check on her.”
    â€œAnd this is supposed to stay hush-hush?” Mrs. Allen asked.
    â€œWell, yeah, if that’s okay,” Sam said.
    â€œFor a few days,” Mrs. Allen said pointedly, “but it means I’ll definitely skip that mixer your Gram wants me to go to—”
    â€œOh, no, you can still do that,” Sam said.
    â€œNo, ma’am,” Mrs. Allen said. “No matter how hard I try, somehow it’d get out that I’m hiding this horse. One lesson I’ve learned over the years, Sam, is nothing travels faster than secrets at a church social.”
    Since Mrs. Allen’s shopping list required a drive into Darton, she took a quick shower. While they waited, Sam and Jake stood at the living room window that overlooked the pasture of unadoptable wild horses.
    Sam spotted a black mare with a bright bay colt, Licorice and Windfall, then a yellow dun named Fourteen. He had been named that because Mrs. Allen had joked that she had to round out her adopted herd so she wouldn’t have an unlucky thirteen wild horses.
    â€œI don’t see Faith,” Sam told Jake, just as Mrs. Allen returned dressed in a clean skirt and blouse.
    â€œShe’s at a difficult age—not grown up and not a baby, so she spends a lot of time off on her own,” Mrs. Allen said, then added, “I never did give you two lunch. The least I can do is drop you off at home.”
    â€œI have Ace,” Sam rushed to explain, and Jake flashed her a strained look.
    Jake was afoot. Three Ponies was at least five miles away. Also, the temperature kept climbing. Those facts would have made the choice to ride in a vehicle instead of walk a snap decision for most people.
    But when the driver was Mrs. Allen, it wasn’t an easy offer to accept.
    Mrs. Allen’s driving had improved briefly after her grandson Gabe had been injured in a car

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