Wild Highland Rose (Time Travel Trilogy, Book 2)

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Book: Wild Highland Rose (Time Travel Trilogy, Book 2) by Dee Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Davis
his ears.  " I don't have the faintest idea what to do, Grania.  I don't remember the person she thinks I am. "   Cameron didn ' t allow himself to stop and examine why it was Marjory in particular that he worried about.  " To listen to her tell it I ' m, at best, a self-centered bastard and, at worst, a hideous fiend of some kind with the devil for a father. "   He shifted uncomfortably on the bed as he pulled on his shirt.
    Grania sat patiently in the chair by the bed, her hands folded neatly in her lap.  He was amazed at her ability for stillness.  "I canna see, Cameron.  By necessity I must sit for long periods of time.  I find 'tis easier to bear if I find a peace within."
    With uncanny accuracy, she had read his thoughts.  "How do you do that?"
    She smiled at him.  " Marjory would say I ' m fey, but I think it ' s more to do with observation. "
    " Without your eyes? "
    " There ' s far more to the world, lad, than what you can see.  Tell me what ye remember of yerself. "
    " Nothing significant.  Only everyday things."  He didn't mention that they were everyday things that hadn't been invented yet.  That would surely throw even the unflappable Grania.  Then again, maybe not.
    There was something about her that made him feel like she could see through him, even without conventional sight. He shook his head at the ridiculous notion.  She was nothing more than she appeared.  An old lady with good instincts.
    "Well, I wouldna worry o'ermuch.  It will all come to ye in time.  Besides, the past is ne'er as important as the present.  And I've the feeling ye've something important to do here."
    "Me?  I hardly think so.  Even I can tell I ' m not wanted here.  Hell, without your help, I ' m fairly certain they ' d have left me to die.  The one na med Fingal would probably have helped me on my way, if you know what I mean."
    "Ach, lad, dinna go making things worse than they are.  Marjory has had a rough time of it, and because o' that, she's closed off her heart, but she is no' a bad person and I dinna think she'd actually let any real harm befall ye."
    "Maybe not, but I'm still glad you're here.  I don't think I like the idea of putting your theory to the test."  He eased his legs off the side of the bed.
    "There now, what do ye think yer doing?"
    "You said it was time I was up and about. "   He slowly eased himself into a standing position.  For a minute, the room whirled about him and his stomach did flip-flops, but he held onto the bed frame and the room soon took on its regular proportions.  "There, see?  I managed it all right."  He winced at his choice of words, but Grania didn't seem to notice.
    "Are you standing then?"  She held out a hand and Cameron took it.
    "Yup.  I feel a bit wobbly, but that's to be expected.  I haven't had anything but broth since I got here."
    "Aye, and lucky ye were to get that, ye ungrateful oaf."
    "Oh, Grania, I'm sorry.  I wasn't complaining.  Honestly."  Great, he'd managed to insult his only friend.
    "Dinna fash yerself lad, I was but teasing ye.  Perhaps tonight we'll dig up a wee bit o' meat for you to gnaw on."
    They laughed together, their camaraderie restored.
    After awhile the old woman said, "She needs ye, lad.  Ye must know that."
    Cameron sobered and sat on the edge of the bed.  "She?  You mean Marjory?  I hardly think so.  Besides, I don't think I'll be here long enough to help anyone.  Sooner or later, I'm bound to remember everything, and when I do, I expect I'll be heading back where I belong."  He sincerely hoped it would be that simple.
    "And how do you know this isna where ye belong?"
    "Because it isn't home, Grania.  Even I know that much.  Somewhere out there, I have a home, an identity.  All I have to do is remember."
    "Maybe 'tis best if ye dinna."
    "No, I can't accept that.  I will remember.  Which means that making attachments here would be foolhardy."
    "I've the feeling, lad, that ye've trouble making attachments no

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