Wicked Release

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Book: Wicked Release by R. G. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. G. Alexander
Tags: General Fiction
it. Not yet. Not until she knew she could give them that love forever. She did the next best thing. She dropped her blanket.
    Lorie’s blue eyes widened, and then he was looking around at the neighboring houses. “Here? In the open?”
    She gave a watery chuckle and nodded. “You said I’m free. So yes. Here, in the open.”
    Con took her in his arms, kissing her as he laid her back in the grass. “Anything you want, babe. Anything.”
    “Aw, hell.” Lorie fell to his knees again, tugging her face away from Con’s and taking her mouth in a kiss filled with as much relief as passion. “Look what you do to me, sweet Sarah.”
    She bit his chin. “I like what I do to you. To both of you.”
    “Let’s see if you like what we do to you,” Con murmured, lowering his head to her left breast.
    “Mmm.” Lorie kissed her cheek, her neck and then he was wrapping his tongue around her right nipple, sucking it against the roof of his mouth and scraping her flesh with his teeth.
    “ Yes .”
    Con continued to make love to her breasts. Fondling them with his lips and hands as Lorie’s mouth slid down her body, licking her hip, kissing her thighs. He spread her legs, lifting them up over his shoulders with a dark grin before lowering his head between them.
    She saw stars twinkling above her. Obscured by the sparkling light of the magic that flowed between them. Her arms stretched high above her, scratched by cool green grass and solid earth.
    It was by far the most erotic experience of her life. No chairs or magic reflections required. Just this. Just Lorie’s tongue and fingers filling her sex as she lifted her hips against him, begging for more.
    Just Con’s groan as she slid one hand into his unbuttoned jeans and began to stroke while he sucked her nipple.
    Just the world tilting on its axis as she moaned and keened and called out their names, rolling on her side with Lorie’s mouth still pressed between her legs so she could reach Con’s thick cock and take it deep into her mouth.
    When Lorie undid his jeans, thrusting deep because he couldn’t hold back any longer, Con caressed her hair, murmuring garbled words of endearment until she tasted his release on her tongue.
    Right here in the open, where anyone could see, Sarah shared all she was with them.
    It was a memory she would never forget.


Chapter Seven
    She was here at last. Lorie had found the book in Salem, just as he said he would. Or, under Salem, to be more precise.
    Lorie’s call to Harrison had him promising to wait for her arrival—told them the location they’d found was already under investigation. It was one of Tucker’s cases.
    Sarah might not have the “spidey” sense Thalia’s descendant referred to, but she didn’t get the best feeling about this. The longer they waited, the more anxious she became.
    “Harrison and Callie looked into the way the spell adapts, and they can only draw one conclusion.” Lorie rubbed the back of his neck roughly, sharing a hard look with Con over her head. “Whoever has it not only knows about it, they’ve been adding to it somehow.”
    Sarah paled. “I told you it was a living spell. Could it be Aaron?”
    “Unless he found the fountain of youth or cursed himself into a salt shaker, that son of a bitch is dead by now,” Con snarled. “If not, I’ll be happy to correct that mistake in the timeline.”
    Lorie took her hand, caressing her palm. “It could be someone who has no idea what they’re doing. For all they know they’re just writing in a magic book, with no idea of its effect.”
    No idea. She wished she believed that. “Maybe they purchased it through a dealer. If so, we could find out who sold it and discover where the Winstons disappeared to.”
    Lorie quirked his lips. “You planning on joining Tucker’s ranks when this is over?”
    She shook her head. “Just trying to think it all through.” She wasn’t sure what would happen when this was over. If she had her way,

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